New Faculty Profiles: New Faculty Profile: Claudia Bank

Contributed by kjm34 on Jul 18, 2018 - 02:19 PM

The New Faculty Profile series [1] highlights and introduces new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we highlight Dr. Claudia Bank. Dr. Bank is the Principal Investigator of the Evolutionary Dynamics Group at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia in Oeiras, Portugal. She studies how populations adapt and diversify, with a specific interest in the role of epistasis during these processes. Read her full profile here [2].

***Have a suggestion for a future New Faculty Profile? Email Kati Moore at with your nomination, including name, affiliation, and a link to the lab/research webpage. We welcome nominations (and self-nominations) of SSE members that are within 3 years of starting an independent research position. We wish to highlight the diversity of positions, institutions, study systems, approaches and researchers in SSE! ***
