Sponsorship Highlights: SSE Sponsorship Highlight: evALLution (Small Grants Program)

Contributed by kjm34 on Nov 26, 2019 - 03:59 PM

From evALLution organizer Telma Laurentino:

The SSE local and regional outreach grant was the main funding source of our inclusive outreach activity: evALLution. These funds allowed us to acquire materials to bring our multi-sensory tree-of-life to… life! The activity taught more than 100 participants - from 5 to 90 years old - about evolution, including 40 participants with visual disability. The funds allowed us to set up a multi-sensory phylogeny with specimens and materials representative of 20 taxonomic groups for everyone to touch, which allowed the people with visual disability to experience biodiversity like never before, while learning about adaptation, natural selection and common ancestry! Smiles were wide and constant and the data we collected show that when knowledge is made accessible everyone can learn and everyone benefits. For this, we are extremely grateful to SSE for supporting our idea and helping us make the wonders of evolution available to ALL. 

Watch a video of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o3JLsXH12w [1]

Learn more about the evALLution program in Telma's post on the SSE Community Blog: https://ssecommunityblog.org/evallution-3-lessons-the-blind-community-taught-us-about-inclusive-teaching-of-evolution/ [2]

Learn more about the Small Grants program here: http://www.evolutionsociety.org/index.php?module=content&type=user&func=view&pid=19 [3]

  1. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o3JLsXH12w
  2. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://ssecommunityblog.org/evallution-3-lessons-the-blind-community-taught-us-about-inclusive-teaching-of-evolution/
  3. http://evolutionsociety.org//index.php?module=content&type=user&func=view&pid=19