Diversity: Diversity Committee Call for Applications

Contributed by kjm34 on Nov 16, 2020 - 11:32 AM

The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) Diversity Committee (DC) seeks to add two to three new members starting in 2021, at least one of which will be a graduate student. The DC works to create a professional society that is supportive of members from all backgrounds through several main actions: by broadening representation to the SSE Executive Council, by pursuing initiatives that support historically excluded groups, and by creating an inclusive, accessible environment at the Evolution conference. 

Continue reading [1] for application instructions. Deadline: December 15, 2020

Applicants should submit a brief (1-2 page) statement of interest outlining three items on which applications will be evaluated:

1) their experience with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) service;
2) any ideas, priorities, and/or events they plan to contribute during their 3-year term;
3) the unique elements of their perspective/background that they bring to the committee. We welcome participation from members of the community across all stages of training, and in all career paths.

Applications should also confirm:

-  career stage and institutional affiliation
-  membership in SSE
-  past attendance at Evolution conferences

Applicants must be members of SSE (join or renew your membership here [2]) and have attended at least one Evolution conference in the past. 

Many of the DC’s initiatives are created and operated with the DCs of our sister societies, the American Society of Naturalists and the Society for Systematic Biologists. Past or ongoing efforts of the SSE DC include:

More information about the SSE DC can be found on our web page [4]. Examples of prior initiatives, such as diversity events that were planned for the Evolution 2020 meeting, can be found on the meeting website [5].

Please submit your application by December 15, 2020 to diversity@evolutionsociety.org [6]. Questions may also be directed to this email address.

  1. http://evolutionsociety.org//news/display/2020/11/16/diversity-committee-call-for-applications/
  2. http://bit.ly/joinSSE
  3. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.evolutionsociety.org/news/display/2020/9/29/acting-on-our-commitment-to-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-dei-in-sse/
  4. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.evolutionsociety.org/content/diversity-committee.html
  5. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.evolutionmeetings.org/diversity-at-evolution-2020.html
  6. http://evolutionsociety.org/mailto:diversity@evolutionsociety.org