Membership: A Code of Ethics for the Society

Contributed by kjm34 on Sep 29, 2020 - 12:04 PM

The SSE Code of Ethics Committee has been working hard since its inception in 2019 to develop a Code of Ethics, which Council recently voted in favor of adopting. The Code of Ethics is a set of ethical standards for SSE members that reflects the Society’s mission, values, and goals, as well as procedures for initiating and responding to complaints regarding violations of the Code of Ethics. In this work, it has drawn on codes of ethics of other scientific societies, as well as advisory documents from the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment In STEMM [1]. A key next step this fall/winter will be an open comment period for member input. Once we have received and responded to member input, the Code of Ethics will be presented to the membership for approval. Thanks to the SSE Code of Ethics committee for their hard work: Amy Angert, Chris Caruso, Vince Formica, Isabel Gordo, and Mark Rausher.
