Other: Tri-society Statement Against AAPI Racism

Contributed by kjm34 on Mar 19, 2021 - 06:17 PM

The Society for the Study of Evolution, the American Society of Naturalists, and the Society of Systematic Biologists stand in solidarity with the many Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander communities and vehemently condemn these acts of domestic terror. To our Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander members: we support and respect you. We will continue the work of transforming our Societies into safe and inclusive places for you, and for all members of our communities.

The murders of Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Yong Ae Yue, Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Delaina Ashley Yaun, and Paul Andre Michels in the Atlanta area are symptoms of violent anti-Asian racism, which has only increased since the onset of the pandemic in the United States last year. These events are widespread. Across the country, Asian elders are being attacked in the streets with increasing frequency. Asian and Asian-American communities have been living with heightened anxiety and fear every day. Asian women in particular have been the targets of these violent and racist attacks. We are outraged seeing perpetrators of these hate crimes once again excused at the expense of their victims, enabling continuous xenophobic and racist violence in the U.S. 

We call on our largely white membership to capitalize on their privilege to support their colleagues. We must deny comfort and complacency in the midst of oppression by engaging in self-reflection and active anti-racism. Be vocal [1] and openly expose and reject racism, prejudice, and exclusion in all forms both inside and outside academic spaces. Please reach out to those you mentor and the students in your classes. Tell them you condemn these acts and share resources where they can get support [2]. Work with your trainees to make your shared spaces safe and welcoming [3] for people of Asian descent. Learn the history of U.S. anti-Asian policy, military occupation, and colonialism at the root of these issues. There are endless resources, but here is one place to start: https://anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co/.

This violence is not external to our community and our scholarship. Some members of our community have been directly harmed, while others, also within our community, have caused some of this harm. There are numerous ways to practice effective allyship, and we include several useful resources below. If you want to learn more, you may be interested in following these Twitter accounts: ;@stopaapihate [4], ;@aapiwomenlead [5]. Professional societies have a substantial role in making shared spaces welcoming and safe for all. 

If you have been affected by violence and/or racist actions, please feel free to share your concerns and suggestions with our leadership. We need your input, feedback, and criticism to better support all of our scientists, especially those who have been actively excluded for so long. You can reach the society committees focusing on this work at these email addresses: diversity@evolutionsociety.org [6], asndiversity@gmail.com [7], diversitydirector@systematicbiologists.org [8] 

Some Resources:

Asian Americans Advancing Justice
[9]OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates National Center
[10]Anti-Asian Violence Resources
[11]Free Bystander Intervention Training
[12]How to Be an Active Bystander When You See Casual Racism
[13]Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab
[14]Black and Asian-American Feminist Solidarities: A Reading List
[15]Anti-Asian racism and COVID-19
[16]Anti-Racism Resources for the AAPI Community
[17]Stop AAPI Hate website for reporting hate incidents [18]

Tri-society Diversity Committees
SSB DEI Committee [19] and Standing Against Racism Statement
[20]ASN Diversity Committee [21] and Statement on Anti-Black Racism
[22]SSE Diversity Committee [23] and Statement Against Racial Injustice

Correction: An earlier version of this statement incorrectly stated the names of Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, and Yong Ae Yue. We sincerely apologize for the error.

  1. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/how-to-respond-to-coronavirus-racism
  2. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/
  3. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008210
  4. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://twitter.com/StopAAPIHate
  5. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://twitter.com/AAPIWomenLead
  6. http://evolutionsociety.org/mailto:diversity@evolutionsociety.org
  7. http://evolutionsociety.org/mailto:asndiversity@gmail.com
  8. http://evolutionsociety.org/mailto:diversitydirector@systematicbiologists.org
  9. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.ocanational.org/
  10. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co/
  11. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.ihollaback.org/bystanderintervention/
  12. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/29/smarter-living/how-to-be-an-active-bystander-when-you-see-casual-racism.html
  13. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.blackwomenradicals.com/blog-feed/black-and-asian-feminist-solidarities-a-reading-list
  14. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.colorado.edu/asmagazine/2020/04/08/anti-asian-racism-and-covid-19
  15. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://asianamericanstudies.cornell.edu/anti-racism-resources-aapi-community
  16. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://stopaapihate.org/
  17. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.systbio.org/dei-committee.html
  18. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.systbio.org/standing-against-racism.html
  19. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.amnat.org/about/governance/Diversity.html
  20. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.amnat.org/announcements/BLM.html
  21. http://evolutionsociety.org//content/diversity-committee.html
  22. http://evolutionsociety.org//statement-against-racism-and-racial-injustice.html
  23. http://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/letters/'
  24. http://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/policy/'