Conferences: Register now for Evolution 2022!

Contributed by kjm34 on Apr 22, 2022 - 02:19 PM

The words Evolution 2022, Register Now next to the meeting logo. There is a laptop next to the words Virtual, June 21-22 and an outline of the state of Ohio next to the words Cleveland, OH, June 24-28. [1]

The annual Evolution meeting [2] is back, and registration is now open! 

The Evolution conference is the joint annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists [3], the Society for the Study of Evolution [4], and the Society of Systematic Biologists [5]. The meeting is one of the premiere opportunities for sharing research on evolutionary biology each year.

Evolution 2022 will be our first hybrid meeting, with a 2-day virtual conference (June 21-22) followed by the standard in-person conference (June 24-28) at the Huntington Convention Center in downtown Cleveland, OH. You can register to attend virtually or in-person, with the latter also including access to all virtual components. 

Evolution 2022 will require all in-person attendees to be fully vaccinated and masked at the meeting. More information here [6].

Virtual Registration includes:

- Access to the Virtual Platform
- Ability to view 2 days of faux-live talks
- Opportunity to present a faux-live talk
- Access to watch the live-streamed plenaries during the in-person part of the meeting
- Access to on-demand talks for 6 months

In-person Registration includes:

- Attendance at the in-person part of the meeting in Cleveland, OH
- Opportunity to present an in-person talk or poster
- Access to in-person workshops and networking events
- All the benefits of virtual registration, except the opportunity to present a faux-live talk

Register before May 1 [7] to take advantage of early-bird discounts on society member registration fees!
