Outreach: Darwin Day Roadshow Applications

Contributed by kjm34 on Oct 25, 2017 - 03:18 PM

The Darwin Day Roadshow is a way for scientists and educators to share their enthusiasm for evolutionary science with students, teachers and the general public across the United States in the spring each year, to celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday (February 12th). Applications from host teachers for the 2018 Roadshow are now being accepted and are due December 20, 2017.  If you are a scientist interested in participating, please email Travis Hagey at hageyt@msu.edu. Learn more here [1].

  1. https://evolutionsociety.org/https://darwindayroadshow.wordpress.com/
  2. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/grants/'
  3. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/awards/'
  4. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/outreach/'