Other: SSE Election Results

Contributed by kjm34 on Jan 03, 2018 - 04:48 PM

The election results are in! We welcome Mark Rausher as the new president-elect, Tracey Chapman as the new Non-North American VP, John Stinchcombe as the new Secretary, and Amy Angert and Andrea Sweigart as the new Councilors (class of 2020). Congratulations to our newly elected officers, and thank you for being willing to contribute your time and energy to serving the Society! The amendment to include two members of the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) as voting members on the SSE Council also passed -- congratulations and thank you to GSAC members for their commitment to the society!

  1. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/new-faculty-profiles/'