Other: Special message from President Ruth Shaw

Contributed by kjm34 on May 26, 2020 - 03:31 PM

Dear SSE Community,

First, I hope you are able to stay safe and well.

Our stated mission as a scientific society is to promote the study of evolutionary biology. In the coming months, we will continue to strive toward that goal as we are able, but it will likely look different from  what we’re used to. We have started a Resources Page [1] with links to online teaching resources, seminar series, and tips for conducting research from home. (Submit a resource here [2].) We are also in the process of considering options for virtual events this summer, with the goal of supporting our early career researchers as well as possible. 

Lastly, I want to acknowledge that though we are experiencing a global phenomenon, we all face unique challenges and experiences. Please remember to be kind to one another -- including yourself! We especially encourage those who, in the coming years, will be evaluating individuals for new faculty hires or promotions, or for postdoc positions, or as prospective grad students to avoid weighting heavily the amount or quality of work that appears to have been accomplished during this difficult time. Now more than ever is a time of extenuating circumstances, when matters far out of our control are making drastic, unforeseen changes in our lives and work.

Thanks for reading, and for being part of this community. 

Ruth Shaw
President, Society for the Study of Evolution

  1. https://evolutionsociety.org//resources.html
  2. https://evolutionsociety.org/https://forms.gle/niZFF8dVUbD8dmVb9
  3. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/policy/'
  4. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/evolution-2019/'