Policy: 2021 AIBS Virtual Advocacy Event Grants

Contributed by kjm34 on Feb 09, 2021 - 12:27 PM

The SSE Public Policy Committee [1] is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 2021 Virtual Advocacy Event, comprised of a Communications Boot Camp for Scientists [2] (April 19-20, 2021) and Congressional Visits Day [3] (April 21-23). In addition to the training, participants will speak with their elected congressional representatives during virtual meetings organized by AIBS. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover the cost of registration. To apply, please complete this application [4] including a brief (<250 words) statement describing your interest in participating in federal policy making and what issues you would like to address. We especially encourage applications from individuals belonging to historically excluded groups. Applications are due March 10, 2021. Read statements from previously funded participants here [5]. 

Apply Now button [6]

  1. https://evolutionsociety.org//content/policy.html
  2. https://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.aibs.org/news/2021/210112-communication-bootcamp.html#subheader
  3. https://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.aibs.org/news/2021/210113-2021-virtual-advocacy.html#subheader
  4. https://evolutionsociety.org/https://forms.gle/47cSKZDd7yfCYmGP9
  5. https://evolutionsociety.org//news/display/2018/5/10/sse-sponsorship-highlight-aibs-congressional-visits-day/
  6. https://evolutionsociety.org/'tag/awards/'