Membership: Code of Ethics Comment Period

Contributed by kjm34 on Feb 07, 2022 - 05:29 PM

The words A Code of Ethics for Evolution Societies in white on a dark blue background above the logos for SSE, SSB, and ASN. [1]

In 2018, SSE announced a tri-society initiative to develop a Code of Ethics for SSE, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and the American Society of Naturalists. While behavior at the annual Evolution meeting falls under a Code of Conduct, the societies currently have no policies regarding conduct outside the meeting. Adopting Codes of Ethics will allow the societies to establish explicit standards of excellence and a transparent process for upholding these standards, and in so doing, foster societies that are welcoming for everyone. The three societies have now each drafted their own Codes of Ethics, which have been approved by the Councils of each society. Before each Code is put into place, we are seeking our members’ feedback and approval. 

We invite you to visit the Code of Ethics website [2], review the standards of conduct and processes for enforcement, ask any questions you may have, and give your feedback before March 7, 2022. Thank you for your participation!
