Other: Upcoming Vote on Constitution Changes

Contributed by kjm34 on Feb 09, 2022 - 04:57 PM

Last year, SSE Council formed an ad hoc committee to review the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws [1], which were found to be inconsistent with standard structure and content of governance documents for non-profit organizations. The committee has recommended changes to improve the clarity and organization of these documents. These changes have already been approved by Council. Changes to the Bylaws can be enacted following a vote from Council, but all changes to the SSE Constitution must also be approved by the membership. Keep an eye out for a vote via email in the coming weeks. 

  1. https://evolutionsociety.org//index.php?module=content&type=user&func=view&pid=5
  2. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://evolutionsociety.org/tag/evolution-2024/'