Students: GSAC Applications Due May 1

Contributed by kjm34 on Apr 11, 2022 - 02:07 PM

The SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) is looking for two new council members for the upcoming year!

The GSAC represents student and postdoc interests to the SSE Council [1] and facilitates interaction among students and postdocs, and between students, postdocs, and mentors. Our goal is to be a source of information for students and postdocs during their graduate school career and as they make career transitions, and to provide an early-career perspective to the rest of the SSE council. 

For example, we took a leading role in putting on the successful virtual Evolution Community Resources for Early Career Researchers (ECR^2) [2] when Evolution 2020 was canceled, proposed and led the Bilingual Mentoring Program at Evolution 2021, and proposed the Caregiver Award [3] at Evolution 2022.

Eligibility & Requirements

GSAC members must be graduate students at the time of application, at least one year into their PhD program, and members of SSE. Applicants should be organized, possess leadership skills, and be interested in working with SSE council and members to contribute to the Society. Many more details about our activities throughout the year can be found in our GSAC blog post [4] on the SSE Community Blog. 

We strongly encourage those with non-traditional pathways to graduate school, those from non-R1 universities, and those from outside the United States to apply. GSAC is also committed to diverse representation, and we encourage applicants from historically excluded ethnic, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. 


Students serve either a 2 or 3 year term, depending on whether they are chair of their cohort, and generally spend 5-10 hours per month on GSAC activities. Please see the GSAC structural document starting on Page 19 in the Officers Handbook [5] for more details about requirements and current roles. 

Applications are due May 1. Learn more about how to apply on the GSAC page [6].
