Other: SSE Council Nominations - Deadline April 1

Contributed by kjm34 on Mar 13, 2023 - 01:45 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Council. Nominations Open. Deadline: April 1, 2023. Outline of a hand holding a megaphone.

Would you like to serve in a leadership role at SSE? Know someone else who would? Nominate yourself or someone else for SSE Council [1]. Officer nominations submitted by April 1 will receive full consideration by the nominating committee for that year's election cycle. 

SSE seeks diversity of people and ideas on council and editorial boards. We strongly encourage nominations and self-nominations of individuals who represent the full diversity of the evolutionary biology community, including (but not limited to) all aspects of identity and background, types of institution, geographic location or scientific approach. 

SSE seeks participation by individuals committed to increasing diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in science. We strongly encourage nominations, including self-nominations, of individuals who have a demonstrated commitment to advancing equity and inclusion in science.

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each position in the SSE Handbook [2]

Submit Nomination button [3]

Submit your nomination here [4]. Deadline: April 1.

  1. https://evolutionsociety.org//index.php?module=content&type=user&func=view&pid=3
  2. https://evolutionsociety.org//content/about-the-society/officers-handbook.html
  3. https://evolutionsociety.org/https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXXn8bQtbXWzjtug7uPP_B9JMzA4TCXgScJcutFnAltL8HZQ/viewform
  4. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://www.evolutionsociety.org/tag/students/'
  5. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://www.evolutionsociety.org/tag/awards/'
  6. https://evolutionsociety.org/'https://www.evolutionsociety.org/tag/evolution-2024/'