Sponsorship Highlights: SSE Sponsored Event: Evolution Film Festival

Contributed by kjm34 on Nov 01, 2019 - 04:50 PM

This month we highlight the 8th Annual Evolution Film Festival/Video Contest. Every year, scientists, science communicators and science film-makers are invited to submit an original, short (three-minute-or-less) video which tells an interesting story of evolution in a creative, engaging, entertaining way. The finalists are screened at the annual Evolution meeting and audience members vote on their favorite. As in previous years, SSE sponsored this year’s event by providing cash prizes for the winner ($1,000) and runner-up ($500).

This year’s winner (“How to Make Humans Sick”) was submitted by Noah Resnick of Arbor Vitae Animations [1] and can be viewed here [2]The runner up was high school student Josh Mott of Largo, FL, who submitted “Josh’s Evolution Exploration” (view it here [3]).

  1. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.arborvitaeanimations.com/
  2. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://vimeo.com/339549150/90f26cd13f
  3. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://vimeo.com/339250296
  4. http://evolutionsociety.org/'tag/new-faculty-profile/'