Other: Letter: The Diversity Committee and Graduate Student Advisory Council fully support the Code of Ethics

Contributed by kjm34 on Feb 15, 2022 - 05:39 PM

On February 7, 2022, SSE, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists invited comments from our members [1] on proposed Codes of Ethics [2] for each society. Adopting such codes will allow the societies to establish explicit standards of excellence and a transparent process for upholding these standards, and in so doing, foster societies that are welcoming for everyone. Please see below for a letter of support for adopting the SSE Code of Ethics from the SSE Diversity Committee and the SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council. 

We invite you to review the standards and processes [3] and indicate your support and/or concerns before March 7, 2022.

31 January 2022

The development of the joint SSE/SSB/ASN Code of Ethics [4] is a major step forward in our efforts towards improving equity and inclusion in the field of evolutionary biology and within our societies. The Diversity Committee and Graduate Student Advisory Council of the SSE strongly support its development and implementation.

While many professional societies, our own included, have survived with an inconsistently enforced, unwritten code of ethics, the formalization of an ethical code sets the standard for behaviors that are and are not acceptable in professional and social contexts, whether in person, in writing, or in a virtual setting. Having a transparent and standardized code of ethics clarifies the boundaries of appropriate behavior to all society members, including society leaders and those involved with the societies, thereby removing the temptation of allowing unethical behavior to continue simply because it reflects historical norms. A code of ethics ensures concrete accountability (with potential sanctions listed in the code) when members harm others or the Society through violations of these ethical codes. It provides a venue for reporting unethical behavior, which is a key form of support for people who are common targets of ethical violations, including people from historically excluded groups and early career researchers. Importantly, a code of ethics also provides a framework from which society leadership can fairly assess or address ethical violations, with clear descriptions of the evaluation process and explicit mechanisms for appealing outcomes.

Although it could be argued by some as regrettable that these boundaries need to be laid out in a concrete fashion, a robust and enforceable code of ethics, as laid out and implemented here, benefits the safety and wellbeing of all members of our society and all individuals involved with the society. We welcome its development. We encourage all society members, and indeed all individuals associated with the society, to read the Code of Ethics and provide any suggestions or feedback that might clarify and improve it. Following the incorporation of input from members of the society, we encourage you to support adopting the Code of Ethics and commit to putting it into practice in your own lives and work.


The Diversity Committee, Society for the Study of Evolution
The Graduate Student Advisory Council, Society for the Study of Evolution

  1. http://evolutionsociety.org//news/display/2022/2/7/code-of-ethics-comment-period/
  2. http://evolutionsociety.org/https://www.evolutioncodeofethics.org/