Call for Evolution Associate Editors

Oct 11, 2024 - 10:27 AM

The SSE logo. Three recent Evolution journal covers. Text: Open Call, Associate Editors, deadline October 31,

The Evolution editorial team seeks Associate Editors to serve three-year terms beginning January 2025. Associate Editors receive free membership in SSE for the duration of their term and free registration for the annual Evolution meeting.

We strongly encourage nominations and self-nominations of individuals who represent the full diversity of the evolutionary biology community, including (but not limited to) all aspects of identity and background, types of institution, geographic location, or scientific approach. 

To indicate your interest, provide your affiliation, research interests, and contact information in this short form.

Deadline: October 31

IDEA Award Call for Nominations

Sep 05, 2024 - 01:03 PM

A glowing lightbulb. Text: American Society of Naturalists, Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, Access Award - Deadline: October 25, 2024.

The American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Society of Systematic Biologists announce the call for nominations for the ASN/SSE/SSB Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Award. The IDEA Award will be given to a person at any career stage who has strengthened the ecology and evolutionary biology community by promoting inclusiveness and diversity in our fields. The award can also be presented to a group. The recipient(s) will be invited to present a plenary lecture at the annual Evolution meeting. Each recipient will also receive a plaque and a $1000 honorarium (shared among recipients if more than one). 

Learn more and submit a nomination. Deadline: October 25, 2024

Field Gear Swap at in-person Evolution 2024

Jul 17, 2024 - 06:33 PM

Text: Evolution 2024 Field Gear Swap, Montreal, July 26-30, Diversity Committee Booth. Clip art of a button up shirt, flashlight, camp stove, and tent.

Join the field gear and clothing swap at Evolution 2024!

One barrier to entry for new evolutionary biologists can be the cost of field clothing and gear. To help reduce these barriers, the society Diversity Committees are hosting a field clothing and gear swap!

If you have field gear or clothes in good condition that you no longer use, and you think someone else could make use of them, please bring them to the in-person portion of the 2024 Evolution meeting in Montreal! These items could be clothing, tents, camp stoves, headlamps, camp chairs, binoculars, compasses, shovels, butterfly nets, or anything that could help a fellow field researcher.

There will be bins set up at the Tri-Society DEI booth, and people are welcome to come by anytime to grab something that may be of interest. Used clothing and gear in decent shape will happily be accepted, but if you’re feeling extra generous, we also welcome donations of new items. Any gear that has been in contact with plants and/or soil should be fully sterilized. See you in Montreal!

SSE Presidents' Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution

Jul 17, 2024 - 05:05 PM

Headshot of Samarth Mathur. Text: Samarth Mathur, An evolutionary perspective on genetic load in small, isolated populations as informed by whole genome resequencing and forward-time simulations, Society for the Study of Evolution SSE Presidents' Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution.

2024 Recipient
Congratulations to the 2024 recipient,
Dr. Samarth Mathur, for his paper, “An evolutionary perspective on genetic load in small, isolated populations as informed by whole genome resequencing and forward-time simulations.” Read more about Dr. Mathur's paper.

Headshot of Robin Costello. Text: Robin Costello, Multilevel selection on social network traits differs between sexes in experimental populations of forked fungus beetles, Society for the Study of Evolution SSE Presidents' Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution, Honorable Mention.

2024 Honorable Mention
Congratulations also to this year’s Honorable Mention,
Dr. Robin Costello, for her paper, “Multilevel selection on social network traits differs between sexes in experimental populations of forked fungus beetles.” Read more about Dr. Costello's paper.

Lifetime Achievement Award Call for Nominations

Jul 05, 2024 - 03:51 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Lifetime Achievement Award, Nominations due September 30. A background of gold star confetti and a gold trophy.

Who are your evolutionary biology heroes? Who do you know whose conceptual advances, impactful publications, outreach and education efforts, mentorship and training, service to the community, or diversity and inclusion work has contributed to the evolutionary biology field and community? Maybe it’s you! Consider nominating yourself or someone else for the SSE Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominators will be asked to complete a short form describing the nominee’s contributions to the field and community. A detailed nomination letter is not required for the initial nomination. Learn more and submit your nomination by September 30!

Hamilton Award Recipient and Honorable Mentions

Jul 05, 2024 - 03:36 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution W. D. Hamilton Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation: Mackenzie Urquhart-Cronish, Honorable Mentions: Yuki Haba & Michelle McCauley.

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2024 Hamilton Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation, Mackenzie Urquhart-Cronish! Mackenzie presented “Testing the influence of historical range expansion on contemporary mating system evolution.”

We are also pleased to announce two Honorable Mentions this year: Yuki Haba, who presented “Origin of the London Underground mosquito, Culex pipiens bioform molestus”, and Michelle McCauley, who presented “A pluralistic approach to sex: increased mutation rate and a coevolving parasite maintain outcrossing.”

Thank you to all of our Hamilton finalists, who presented 15 outstanding talks in the Hamilton Symposium during the virtual portion of the Evolution meeting. These talks will be available to all meeting registrants later this year.

International Event Grants Call for Applications

Jun 19, 2024 - 03:03 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution International Event Grants, Applications due September 15.

The SSE International Committee invites applications for the International Event Grants, which provide funding for international symposia, workshops, courses, and other events within the field of evolutionary biology, including virtual events. Our priority is to support events that benefit emerging communities in the field of evolutionary biology. The diversity of participants and invited speakers will be considered as a criterion for selection. 

Learn more and apply by September 15, 2024.

Hamilton Award Finalists

Jun 07, 2024 - 02:40 PM

Text: Virtual 2024 Society for the Study of Evolution Hamilton Award Symposium, Thursday June 27, 1:30 - 7:30 PM Eastern (GMT-4). 2024 Finalists: Chris Blake, McCall Calvert, Sylvia Durkin, Ana-Hermina Ghenu, Yuki Haba, Erik Iverson, Brian Lerch, Michelle McCauley, Ruthvik Pallagatti, Autumn Peterson, Rosalyn Price-Waldman, Nitin Ravikanthachari, Saubhik Sarkar, Emily Troyer, and Mackenzie Urquhart-Cronish.

Congratulations to the finalists for the 2024 Hamilton Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation! This year’s finalists are: Chris Blake, McCall Calvert, Sylvia Durkin, Ana-Hermina Ghenu, Yuki Haba, Erik Iverson, Brian Lerch, Michelle McCauley, Ruthvik Pallagatti, Autumn Peterson, Rosalyn Price-Waldman, Nitin Ravikanthachari, Saubhik Sarkar, Emily Troyer, and Mackenzie Urquhart-Cronish. 

These finalists will present their work in the Hamilton Award Symposium during the virtual portion of the Evolution meeting on Thursday, June 27 from 1:30 to 7:30 pm Eastern (GMT-4). We hope you will join us for this series of excellent student talks!

Join the SSE Graduate Student Advisory Committee

Jun 04, 2024 - 03:48 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Graduate Student Advisory Committee, Apply now,

The SSE GSAC is looking for three new council members to join our 2025 cohort. Details below!

The GSAC represents student and postdoc interests to the SSE Council and facilitates interaction among students and postdocs, and between students, postdocs, and mentors. Our goal is to be a source of information for students and postdocs during their graduate school career and as they make career transitions, and to provide an early-career perspective to the rest of the SSE council. For example, recently we took a leading role in putting on the GREG Seminar Series, in-person workshops and networking events during the annual Evolution meeting, virtual International Symposia Series, and the SSE Caregiver Award.

Eligibility & Requirements

GSAC members must be graduate students at the time of application and members of SSE. (Learn more about how to join.) Applicants should be organized, possess leadership skills, and be interested in working with SSE Council and members to contribute to the Society. Many more details about our activities throughout the year can be found in our GSAC blog post from the former SSE Community Blog. 

We strongly encourage those with non-traditional pathways to graduate school, those from non-R1 universities, and those from outside the United States to apply. GSAC is also committed to diverse representation, and we encourage applicants from historically excluded ethnic, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. 


Students serve either a 2 or 3 year term, depending on whether they are chair of their cohort, and generally spend 5-10 hours per month on GSAC activities. Please see page 25 in the Officers Handbook for more details about requirements and current roles. 

How to Apply

To apply, please submit the following to by August 30th, 2024 (any time zone):

 (1) A one page statement of interest, addressing: 

  • The ideas you would like to bring to GSAC 

  • Your experience with leadership, organization and/or communications 

  • Your interest in the Society for the Study of Evolution and motivation for joining GSAC

  • How you will contribute to the diversity of perspectives needed to represent the diverse student/postdoc body of SSE  

  • Any interactions you have had with SSE, such as attending SSE meetings, events, or work on other SSE committees, if applicable

  • That you are a current member of SSE

 (2) A copy of your CV

We look forward to reading your applications, and please contact us at if you have any questions about this process.

Call for EvoAllies at Evolution 2024

Jun 04, 2024 - 03:03 PM

The Evolution Code of Conduct commtitee is recruiting new EvoAllies for the Evolution meetings as part of our Safe Evolution initiative. The goal of the program is to improve the climate at the meetings, making them more welcoming for everyone. It is not enforcement (we have a safety officer to investigate and sanctioning committee to put in place any sanctions if warranted), but rather to help de-escalate situations, direct people to resources to help them, and to identify any problems.

People who sign up and are selected must attend a two hour online training on June 11, at 11 am US Eastern time (3 pm UTC, 8 am US Pacific) by members of the UT CLIMBS team and members of the Code of Conduct Committee.

We want to recruit people with a variety of life experiences, perspectives, and career stages. Our goal is to make people feel safe at the meeting; to that end, if you are facing or have faced questions about your possible misconduct, or have other reasons why your selection would be controversial, we ask that you do not sign up.

Applications will be evaluated by a subset of members of the Code of Conduct Committee and current EvoAllies. Applications close June 7 at 5 pm US Eastern time; chosen applicants will be notified by June 10 at noon US Eastern time. 

Submit your application here by June 7 at 5 pm Eastern. 

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The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) was founded in March, 1946. The Society publishes the scientific journal Evolution and co-publishes Evolution Letters along with the European Society of Evolutionary Biology. SSE also holds annual meetings in which scientific findings on evolutionary biology are presented and discussed.

Mission: SSE promotes evolutionary biology research, education, application, outreach, and community building in an equitable and globally inclusive manner.

Vision: SSE aspires to advance knowledge of evolutionary biology for the benefit of science and society and to cultivate and support a global community of evolutionary biologists.

Want to shape the future of SSE?
Nominate yourself or someone else for SSE Council.


Evolution journal cover
Evolution Letters journal cover
Evolution Letters


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