There are a number of excellent websites and organizations that provide extensive resources for teaching evolutionary biology:
Course Source:
An open-access journal of peer-reviewed teaching resources for undergraduate biological sciences.
Evo-Ed Cases:
A set of online case studies that “track the evolution of traits from their origination in DNA mutation, to the production of different proteins, to the fixation of alternate macroscopic phenotypes in reproductively isolated populations.”
Evolution: Education and Outreach:
An open access journal that “promotes accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience.”
HHMI Biointeractive:
A collection of short films, online activities, lecture series, and classroom activities for learning evolution.
National Center for Science Education
NCSE is a nonprofit that “defends the integrity of science education against ideological interference. We work with teachers, parents, scientists, and concerned citizens at the local, state, and national levels to ensure that topics including evolution and climate change are taught accurately, honestly, and confidently.”
NCSEteach: Program in which participants receive strategies for teaching evolution, classroom materials, professional development resources, and priority access to NCSE programs and sponsored activities.
Scientist in the Classroom: A program that allows “teachers and scientists to collaborate as colleagues, peers and partners in the scientific enterprise to further science education.”
Dealing with Denial: Specific strategies for addressing the challenges that can come with teaching climate change and evolution in the classroom.
Classroom Resources: An extensive list of resources for both teaching and learning more about science, evolution, climate change, and more.
PBS Evolution Series:
A set of videos and online activities lessons and activities for learning and teaching evolution.
Sensory Ecology & Evolution Games:
A variety of citizen science games, where you help researchers better understand vision and camouflage, while learning about evolution along the way.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History:
A set of four curriculum units for Advanced Placement (AP) Biology classes, aligned to the learning objectives, using human case studies to teach core evolutionary principles.
Understanding Evolution:
An extensive set of materials and resources for teaching K-12 and undergraduate students about evolution.
Understanding Science:
An extensive set of materials and resources for teaching K-12 and undergraduate students about science.
American Museum of Natural History Seminars on Science:
Seminars on Science is the American Museum of Natural History’s online professional learning program for educators. The program offers six-week online graduate courses in the life, Earth, and physical sciences.
Evolution Education:
Building a new model for K-12 science education based on teacher participation in scientific discovery. Teachers can apply to be fellows and receive training and opportunities to participate in field work.
Think Evolution:
Summer Institute for Science Educators by the University of California Museum of Paleontology
AAAS Project 2061: Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy:
“Benchmarks specifies how students should progress toward science literacy, recommending what they should know and be able to do by the time they reach certain grade levels."
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Biointeractive:
Multimedia resources that are designed to bring the excitement of scientific discovery to K16 classrooms.
Scientists Promoting Evolution Education in Cincinnati (SPEEC):
A group of researchers who visit K-12 classes, provide assistance and workshops for teachers, and serve as spokespeople to the local media.
BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action:
The BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action is an NSF Science and Technology Center founded with the mission of illuminating and harnessing the power of evolution in action to advance science and technology and benefit society.
National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT):
The National Association of Biology Teachers empowers educators to provide the best possible biology and life science education for all students.
National Center for Science Education (NCSE):
NCSE is a nonprofit that “defends the integrity of science education against ideological interference. We work with teachers, parents, scientists, and concerned citizens at the local, state, and national levels to ensure that topics including evolution and climate change are taught accurately, honestly, and confidently.”
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS):
SACNAS is “an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.”
EvoKE: EvoKE aims to assess Europe's understanding of evolution and form a collaborative platform for new projects.
Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE): The Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) is the UK’s leading independent advocate for science and engineering. Our mission is to ensure that the UK has the skills, funding and policies to enable science and engineering to thrive.
Humanists UK lead a campaign to get teaching of ‘evolution not creationism’ into the National Curriculum and the teaching of this subject to primary as well as high school children. Their campaign succeeded and was adopted into the National Curriculum in 2015.