About SSE Membership
Membership Benefits
Membership Types
Membership Fees
Global Membership Assistance Program (for researchers in lower GDP countries)
SSE Membership Award (new 2020)
Member Login (access publication discount codes here)
The Society for the Study of Evolution has several options for membership. Our main area of expertise is in supporting professional scientists and their students, but we also encourage K-12, community college educators, and affiliated professionals to join us in our mission. Memberships are for a calendar year, January 1 – December 31. You may join and/or renew your membership online with a credit card or by mail. Come be part of a worldwide community that promotes the study of organic evolution!
Click here to renew your membership or join the Society.
Mail-in Membership Form
To join or renew by mail, please use this form: 2025 Mail-In Membership Join/Renew Form
Gift Memberships
You can now give a gift membership to a student for $10. This is a great way to introduce students to the Society for the first time. You can do this at the same time as your renewal or at a later date.
If you have any problems, please contact us at sse-manager@evolutionsociety.org.
Regular Member: Any person who is a professional in the field and does not fit into the categories below.
Postdoc Member: Any member who is either holding or transitioning from/to a current postdoctoral position, or has completed a PhD no more than 8 years earlier and does not hold a permanent position.
Student Member: Any full-time (degree-seeking) student who submits an application.
Emeritus Member: Professional who is now retired.
K-12 Educator: K-12 teachers interested in evolution and our mission.
Family Members: Members of the families of one of the member types above. Family members have the same privileges as other members. Can only be purchased in addition to another membership type.
Life Membership: Purchase a lifetime membership, including online access during your lifetime with no need to renew each year. Fee: $1,000
Gift Membership: Current members may purchase one-year gift memberships for students for $10. Purchase gift memberships here.
***Researchers from lower-income countries may be eligible for free or reduced discounts through the SSE Global Membership Assistance Program. See below for more details.***
SSE now offers multi-year memberships. Sign up for a 2-year membership to receive a 10% discount, or a 3-year membership to receive a 20% discount.
Membership Type |
1-year membership |
2-year membership (10% discount) |
3-year membership (20% discount) |
Regular | $65.00 | $117.00 | $156.00 |
Postdoc | $45.00 | $81.00 | $108.00 |
Student | $30.00 | $54.00 | $72.00 |
Emeritus | $30.00 | $54.00 | $72.00 |
K-12 Educator | $30.00 | $54.00 | $72.00 |
Family Member | $15.00 | $27.00 | $36.00 |
Lifetime memberships can be purchased for $1,000.00.
SSE members enjoy numerous benefits, including:
● Eligibility to apply for a variety of awards to fund travel to the annual meeting and recognize exemplary efforts in evolutionary research, education, and outreach
● Discounted registration fee for the annual Evolution meeting with the American Society of Naturalists and the Society of Systematic Biologists, where you can make connections, foster relationships, find your next job and share information & research with scientists and educators around the world
● Professional development opportunities, such as sponsoring a symposium at the annual meeting, serving on a committee, running for SSE Council, or participating in educational outreach and mentorship activities
● Access to online resources, webinars, and workshops by American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) through SSE’s professional affiliations
Additional discounts include:
● Free traditional publication in Evolution
● Free online access to Evolution
● 50% discount on fees for Open Access publication in Evolution
● 30% discount on fees for publication in Evolution Letters, our Open Access journal with the European Society fo Evolutionary Biology
To learn how to claim these discounts and access Evolution online, log in to the SSE site here.
Your membership fees enable the SSE to invest in:
Over $100,000 US per year in grants and prizes to evolutionary biologists at all career stages for research, education, outreach, and DEI work
Yearly subscriptions to cover costs of Dryad data archiving for authors of Evolution and Evolution Letters
Policy and advocacy work by financially supporting AIBS, AAAS, and NCSE
Professional development events at the annual meeting
Learn more about SSE's income and expenditures.
NOTE: SSE journals are now published with Oxford University Press. SSE members no longer receive discounts on publishing in any Wiley journals, including Ecology and Evolution, Evolutionary Applications, Current Protocols, and Environmental DNA.
The SSE Global Membership Assistance (GMA) Program offers free or discounted membership to students, researchers, and educators in 152 countries and territories around the world based on World Bank classifications. Check the list of countries below to see if you are eligible.
GMA Group 1: 50% Discount on SSE Membership
Albania | Brazil | Ecuador | Indonesia | Libya | Nauru |
Samoa | Turkey |
Antigua and Barbuda | Bulgaria | Equatorial Guinea |
Islamic Rep. Iran | Lithuania | North Macedonia | Serbia | Turkmenistan |
Argentina | Chile | Fiji | Iraq | Malaysia | Palau | Seychelles | Tuvalu |
Armenia | China | Gabon | Jamaica | Maldives | Panama | South Africa | Uruguay |
Azerbaijan | Colombia | Georgia | Jordan | Marshall Islands | Paraguay | St. Lucia | Venezuela |
Belarus | Costa Rica | Grenada | Kazakhstan | Mauritius | Peru | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | |
Belize | Cuba | Guatemala | Kosovo | Mexico | Qatar | Suriname | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Dominica | Guyana | Latvia | Montenegro | Romania | Thailand | |
Botswana | Dominican Republic | Hungary | Lebanon | Namibia | Russian Federation | Tonga |
GMA Group 2: Free SSE Membership
Afghanistan | Cameroon | Ethiopia | Kyrgyz Republic | Morocco | São Tomé and Principe |
Togo |
Algeria | Central African Republic |
The Gambia | Lao PDR | Mozambique | Senegal | Tunisia |
American Samoa |
Chad | Ghana | Lesotho | Myanmar | Sierra Leone | Uganda |
Angola |
Comoros | Guam | Liberia | Nepal | Solomon Islands | Ukraine |
Bangladesh |
Dem. Rep. Congo |
Guinea | Madagascar | Nicaragua | Somalia | US Virgin Islands |
Benin |
Rep. Congo | Guinea-Bissau | Malawi | Niger | South Sudan | Uzbekistan |
Bhutan |
Côte d'Ivoire | Haiti | Mali | Nigeria | Sri Lanka | Vanuatu |
Bolivia |
Djibouti | Honduras | Mariana Islands | Pakistan | Sudan | Vietnam |
Burkina Faso |
Arab Rep. Egypt | India | Mauritania | Papua New Guinea |
Syrian Arab Republic |
West Bank and Gaza |
Burundi |
El Salvador | Kenya | Fed. Sts. Micronesia |
Philippines | Tajikistan | Rep. Yemen |
Cabo Verde |
Eritrea | Kiribati | Moldova | Puerto Rico | Tanzania | Zambia |
Cambodia | Eswatini | Dem. People's Rep. Korea |
Mongolia | Rwanda | Timor-Leste | Zimbabwe |
If you reside in a country or territory listed above, please complete this form to request a discount code which can be used when joining or renewing your membership:
You will be asked for your name, email address, and the name of the country in which you reside. Codes will be sent via email within 1-2 business days. Please email Kati Moore at communications@evolutionsociety.org with any questions.
Your code will be valid for any one-year, two-year, or three-year membership type. (Learn more about our membership types here.)
To learn more about SSE’s efforts to make the Society more welcoming for international members, visit the SSE International Committee page. Please contact Committee Chair at international@evolutionsociety.org with any questions, comments, or suggestions.
SSE is pleased to offer free registration for the virtual portion of the Evolution 2025 meeting to SSE members who reside in one of the 152 countries and territories listed above. The virtual portion of the meeting will take place May 29-30, 2025.
To apply for free meeting registration:
A limited number of codes are available and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow 2-3 business days to receive your code after completing the form. If all available codes have already been distributed, it will be indicated here.
Questions? Email Kati Moore at communications@evolutionsociety.org. Thanks for your interest in attending Evolution 2025!
This award, created in 2020, offers free two-year SSE memberships to individuals of any career stage who identify as racial or ethnic minorities, either in their country of origin or their country of residence. This initiative is part of SSE Council’s 2020 commitment to actions to increase inclusion of and support for members of historically excluded groups, particularly individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), in the field of evolutionary biology and through all of the society’s activities and programs. When established, this program aimed to provide 100 free memberships. This target was reached in 2025 and the program was renewed to distribute 100 more memberships. Learn more and apply here.