Letter to the US President and Congress on the Scientific Understanding of Sex and Gender

Feb 06, 2025 - 11:35 PM

President Donald J Trump
Washington, DC

Members of the US Congress
Washington, DC

February 5, 2025

RE: Scientific Understanding of Sex and Gender

Dear President Trump and Members of the US Congress,

As scientists, we write to express our concerns about the Executive Order “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government”. That Order states first, that “there are two sexes…[which] are not changeable”. The Order goes on to state that sex is determined at conception and is based on the size of the gamete that the resulting individual will produce. These statements are contradicted by extensive scientific evidence.

Scientific consensus defines sex in humans as a biological construct that relies on a combination of chromosomes, hormonal balances, and the resulting expression of gonads, external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics. There is variation in all these biological attributes that make up sex. Accordingly, sex (and gendered expression) is not a binary trait. While some aspects of sex are bimodal, variation along the continuum of male to female is well documented in humans through hundreds of scientific articles. Such variation is observed at both the genetic level and at the individual level (including hormone levels, secondary sexual characteristics, as well as genital morphology). Beyond the incorrect claim that science backs up a simple binary definition of sex, the lived experience of people clearly demonstrates that the genetic composition at conception does not define one's identity. Rather, sex and gender result from the interplay of genetics and environment. Such diversity is a hallmark of biological species, including humans.

We note that you state that “Basing Federal policy on truth is critical to scientific inquiry, public safety, morale and trust in the government itself”. We agree with this statement. However, the claim that the definition of sex and the exclusion of gender identity is based on the best available science is false. Our three scientific societies represent over 3500 scientists, many of whom are experts on the variability that is found in sexual expression throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. More information explaining why sex lies along a continuum can be found here. If you wish to speak to one of our scientists, please contact any of the societies listed below.

Carol Boggs, PhD
Society for the Study of Evolution

Daniel Bolnick, PhD
American Society of Naturalists

Jessica Ware, PhD
Society of Systematic Biologists

2025 AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Jan 23, 2025 - 01:16 PM

The US Capitol building at night. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution American Institute of Biological Sciences Congressional Visits Day Grants, Applications due February 17.

The SSE Public Policy Committee invites SSE members to apply for funds to attend the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 2025 Congressional Visits Day. The event will take place in Washington, DC and includes a free half-day training session on April 29 and meetings with lawmakers on April 30. There is also the option to also attend the Communications Boot Camp for Scientists on April 28-29. 

SSE members at all career stages who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to apply. Funding can be used to cover the cost of the Communications Boot Camp and contribute toward travel and lodging. 

SSE members interested in using these funds for other advocacy opportunities are also welcome to apply. Email for more information.

Learn more and apply by February 17, 2025.

2024 AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Feb 01, 2024 - 05:39 PM

Background: The US Capitol at night. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution, American Institute of Biological Sciences Congressional Visits Day Grants, Applications due February 19.

The SSE Public Policy Committee will fund a limited number of SSE members to attend the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 2024 Congressional Visits Day, which will take place in Washington, DC and includes a free half-day training session on April 16 and meetings with lawmakers on April 17. There is also the option to also attend the Communications Boot Camp for Scientists on April 15-16. 

SSE members at all career stages who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to apply. Funding can be used to cover the cost of the Communications Boot Camp and contribute toward travel and lodging. 

SSE members interested in using these funds for other advocacy opportunities are also welcome to apply. Email for more information.

Learn more about SSE membership and how to join, or check your current SSE membership status.   

Deadline: February 19, 2024

AIBS Congressional District Visits

Jun 01, 2022 - 11:45 AM

Text: American Institute of Biological Sciences. Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits. Hexagonal images of scientists looking at pinned insects, standing in a stream, and pouring liquid in lab coats.

The Society for the Study of Evolution is pleased to announce that we are once again joining with the American Institute of Biological Sciences to sponsor the 13th annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event.

This national initiative is an opportunity for scientists across the country to meet with their federal or state elected officials to showcase the people, facilities, and equipment that are required to support and conduct scientific research.

The Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event enables scientists, graduate students, representatives of research facilities, and people affiliated with scientific collections to meet with their federal or state elected officials without traveling to Washington, DC.  Participating scientists can meet with their elected officials at the local district office, virtually, or may invite them to visit their research facility.  Meetings will take place mid-July through October, depending on the participant’s schedule and their lawmaker’s availability.

SSE members who participate will receive one-on-one support and online training to prepare for their tour or meeting.

We encourage our members to participate in this important event. Participation is free for SSE members, but registration is required. 

Registration will close on July 15, 2022.  To register, visit

Advocacy Event Grants

Feb 22, 2022 - 04:04 PM

The words Society for the Study of Evolution Advocacy Event Grants, Deadline extended: March 6, 2022 in white text on a blue and red background.

The SSE Public Policy Committee is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend advocacy events, including the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 2022 Virtual Advocacy Event, comprised of a Communications Boot Camp for Scientists (April 25-26, 2022), a half-day training session on how to be an effective advocate for science policy, and virtual meetings with lawmakers organized by AIBS (April 27-29). Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover the cost of registration. Members interested in applying these funds to other opportunities related to advocacy are also welcome to apply. 

To apply, please complete this application including a brief (<250 words) statement describing your interest in participating in federal policy making and what issues you would like to address. We especially encourage applications from individuals belonging to historically excluded groups. The deadline to apply has been extended to March 6, 2022. Read statements from previously funded participants here.

Apply Now button

SSE Public Policy Workshop

Mar 12, 2021 - 02:33 PM

The words Bridging the Science-Policy Void: Developing Briefs and Meeting with Politicians Deadline March 26 on a blue background over a photo of the Captiol building

Bridging the Science-Policy Void: Developing Briefs and Meeting with Politicians

Do you think science should influence policy? Do you have a particular issue that you would like to bring to the attention of policymakers? Sign up for an online policy training session hosted by the SSE Public Policy Committee. Participants will learn how to write a brief and meet with a policymaker, and then will apply what they learned by generating a policy brief about an issue of their choosing to share with a policymaker. Following training, participants will be tasked with virtually meeting with a policy maker to discuss the issue raised in their policy brief. Upon completion, you will receive a letter of completion and up to $50 towards reduced or free registration at the Virtual Evolution 2021 meeting. 

The training will include pre-recorded synchronous talks hosted by former SSE Public Policy Committee Chair Dr. Sally Otto, with live discussions led by committee members Drs. Courtney Fitzpatrick, Sally Otto and Matthew Rubin. Pre-recorded material will include talks from Drs. Robert Gropp, Jo Handlesman, Alexandra Lawrence and Robert Pennock. Training will take place online in a series of four one-hour sessions every two weeks during April and May, with exact dates depending on the availability of participants. Registration is free and is limited to 15 participants, who must be members of the Society for the Study of Evolution, the American Society of Naturalists, or the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSE membership waiver available upon request). Sign up here before March 26:

Update: This workshop is now full. Thank you!

2021 AIBS Virtual Advocacy Event Grants

Feb 09, 2021 - 12:27 PM

The SSE Public Policy Committee is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 2021 Virtual Advocacy Event, comprised of a Communications Boot Camp for Scientists (April 19-20, 2021) and Congressional Visits Day (April 21-23). In addition to the training, participants will speak with their elected congressional representatives during virtual meetings organized by AIBS. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover the cost of registration. To apply, please complete this application including a brief (<250 words) statement describing your interest in participating in federal policy making and what issues you would like to address. We especially encourage applications from individuals belonging to historically excluded groups. Applications are due March 10, 2021. Read statements from previously funded participants here. 

Apply Now button

Community Statement Opposing ICE Guidance on Foreign Students

Jul 10, 2020 - 05:40 AM

"The biological sciences research and education community is deeply concerned by the July 6, 2020, guidance from United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that would force international students to leave the country if they do not participate in in-person instruction during the fall 2020 semester. The new ICE guidance should be rescinded immediately."

Read the full statement from the American Institute of Biological Sciences here.

AIBS Nagoya Protocol Webinar

Feb 21, 2020 - 04:31 PM

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) will present the free webinar, “Life Finds A Way: An Overview of the Nagoya Protocol from the U.S. Government.” The Nagoya Protocol is a multilateral treaty that sets up a legal framework for utilizing genetic resources. Patrick Reilly from the U.S. Department of State will be presenting. The webinar will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM EST. Learn more and register here

2020 AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Jan 15, 2020 - 12:46 PM


The SSE Public Policy Committee is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend science communication and advocacy training held by the American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS) on April 20-22 in Washington, DC. In addition to the training, participants will speak with their elected congressional representatives during meetings organized by AIBS. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover economy travel and reasonable lodging.

To apply, please complete this application and provide a brief (250 words or less) statement describing your interest in participating in federal policy making and what issues you would like to address. Applications are due February 21, 2020.

Read statements from previously funded participants
here. Apply here.

AIBS Congressional Districts Visits

Jun 19, 2019 - 11:25 AM

Each year, the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) organizes an opportunity for scientists to inform the nation's science policy. The Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event enables scientists to meet with their federal or state elected officials in their home state--not in Washington, DC--and allows policymakers to learn first-hand about the science and research facilities in their district. Registration is free and closes July 10. Learn more here.

Evolution 2019: Public Policy Panel Discussion

Mar 18, 2019 - 02:31 PM

Are you interested in promoting scientific research to the public and legislators, but are not sure how to get started? This event, which will feature a panel of experts in science policy, will equip you with the tools you need to begin engaging with key decision makers in your community. Sign up during meeting registration. $15, includes lunch.

AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Jan 23, 2019 - 05:06 PM

The SSE Public Policy Committee is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend science communication and advocacy training held by the American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS) on March 25-27 in Washington, DC. In addition to the training, participants will speak with their elected congressional representatives during meetings organized by AIBS. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover economy travel and reasonable lodging. To apply, please complete this application before January 28, 2019. Read statements from last year’s funded participants here.

AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Jan 11, 2019 - 10:39 AM

The SSE Public Policy Committee is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend science communication and advocacy training held by the American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS) on March 25-27 in Washington, DC. In addition to the training, participants will speak with their elected congressional representatives during meetings organized by AIBS. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover economy travel and reasonable lodging. To apply, please complete this application before January 28, 2019. Read statements from last year’s funded participants here.

Letter RE: Scientific Understanding of Sex and Gender

Oct 30, 2018 - 02:49 PM

We, the Council of the Society for the Study of Evolution, strongly oppose attempts by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to claim that there is a biological basis to defining gender as a strictly binary trait (male/female) determined by genitalia at birth. Variation in biological sex and in gendered expression has been well documented in many species, including humans, through hundreds of scientific articles. Such variation is observed at both the genetic level and at the individual level (including hormone levels, secondary sexual characteristics, as well as genital morphology). Moreover, models predict that variation should exist within the categories that HHS proposes as "male" and “female”, indicating that sex should be more accurately viewed as a continuum.* Indeed, experiments in other organisms have confirmed that variation in traits associated with sex is more extensive than for many other traits. Beyond the false claim that science backs up a simple binary definition of sex or gender, the lived experience of people clearly demonstrates that the genitalia one is born with do not define one's identity. Diversity is a hallmark of biological species, including humans.  As a Society, we welcome this diversity and commit to serving and protecting members regardless of their biological sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. 

*Here we are speaking of the multi-dimensional aspects that underlie male-ness and female-ness, including hormones, physiology, morphology, development, and genetic aspects.  We acknowledge that many of these aspects are bimodal. Furthermore, some of these aspects are discrete categories (e.g., XX/XY, SRY presence/absence, gamete size, sperm production vs egg production, presence/absence of certain genitalia), but these categories don’t always align within individuals, are not always binary, and should be irrelevant to the determination of a person’s legal rights and freedoms.

Continue reading for a copy of the letter sent to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Science in the 2018 US Elections

Oct 03, 2018 - 01:30 PM

Want candidates to discuss science issues? Curious about what your local candidate's stance is on food sustainability, energy policies, or the environment? Science Debate ( is a non-partisan non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has invited all candidates currently running for House, Senate, and Gubernatorial seats to answer 10 questions on science policy prior to Election Day. You can help by encouraging candidates in your state and district to post their answers, by asking science-related questions at town-halls, or by hosting a Science Debate event with local candidates. Contact Sally Otto at to see how you can help add scientific issues to the discourse during these elections.

AIBS Congressional District Visits

Jul 18, 2018 - 02:13 PM

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is offering our US members a chance to meet with your lawmakers in your home state to inform science policy this summer through their annual Congressional District Visits event. Participating scientists either meet with their elected officials at the local district office or may invite them to visit their research facility. Registration closes July 19.  Learn more and register here.

Constraining the EPA from using all available data: Comment on EPA-HQ-OA-2018-0259

Jun 19, 2018 - 02:08 PM

On June 18, SSE, the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) submitted a comment to the Environmental Protection Agency in response to a proposed rule that would require that research conducted by the EPA be based on data that are publicly available. Continue reading for the full letter. 

Hurricane Maria Grants for Students in Puerto Rico

Mar 15, 2018 - 09:54 AM

Thank you to everyone who donated to ASN and SSE to fund grants to students in Puerto Rico affected by Hurricane Maria. We were able to grant over $18,000 to help students continue their research. Continue reading to hear one student who received funding, Paola Matos Ruiz, explain the impact of these funds.

Policy Workshop for SSE Members -- Deadline Extended!

Jan 03, 2018 - 04:42 PM

Do you think science should influence policy? Do you have a particular issue that you would like to bring to the attention of policymakers? Sign up for an online policy training session hosted by the SSE Policy Committee. Participants will learn how to write a brief and meet with policymakers, then apply what they learned by meeting with a policymaker about an issue of their choosing. I will be leading the training and bringing in guest speakers online via four webinars during January-March 2018. Registration is limited to 15 members and closes January 8. Free to SSE members. Learn more here.

Annual meeting will avoid states subject to California Assembly Bill 1887

Dec 18, 2017 - 11:28 AM

The leadership of SSE, ASN, and SSB have agreed to avoid scheduling the joint annual meeting in states subject to California Assembly Bill 1887, which prohibits state-funded travel to states with discriminatory policies. The following letter was sent to legislators in each of the eight states listed in the bill, which can be read here.

AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Nov 30, 2017 - 04:14 PM

SSE will fund a limited number of SSE members to attend the AIBS Congressional Visits Day on April 17-18, 2018 in Washington, DC. This event will include an advocacy-training program and congressional meetings with elected officials. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this important event. Learn more and register here. To apply for funding to cover travel and lodging, please apply here by January 31, 2018.

Policy Workshop for SSE Members

Nov 30, 2017 - 01:52 PM

Do you think science should influence policy? Do you have a particular issue that you would like to bring to the attention of policymakers? Sign up for an online policy training session hosted by the SSE Policy Committee. Participants will learn how to write a brief and meet with policymakers, then apply what they learned by meeting with a policymaker about an issue of their choosing. Training will take place online via four webinars during January-March 2018. Registration is limited to 15 members and closes December 15. Free to SSE members. Learn more here.  

Letter to Congress Regarding Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Nov 27, 2017 - 01:42 PM

On November 23, SSE, ASN, and SSB sent a letter to members of the House and Senate regarding the proposed tax on graduate student tuition waivers included in the version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the House of Representatives on November 16, 2017. Read the full letter below.

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