AIBS Congressional District Visits

Jul 18, 2018 - 02:13 PM

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is offering our US members a chance to meet with your lawmakers in your home state to inform science policy this summer through their annual Congressional District Visits event. Participating scientists either meet with their elected officials at the local district office or may invite them to visit their research facility. Registration closes July 19.  Learn more and register here.

Travel Award Check Pickup at Evolution 2018

Jul 18, 2018 - 01:45 PM

If you were selected as a Hamilton Finalist or selected to receive a regular graduate/postdoc travel award for the Evolution 2018 meeting, you must pick up your check in person at the SSE Members Business Meeting on Tuesday Aug 21 from 5:30-6:10 pm CET in the Darwin Room in Le Corum. You do not need to attend the entire business meeting -- you may come by just to pick up your check.

If (and only if) you are presenting a poster during this time and cannot attend the business meeting, you must contact Kati Moore at to either:

(1) arrange to pick up your check at the SSE Presidential Address the following morning, or

(2) send a delegate to the SSE Members Business Meeting with a signed note from you authorizing them to pick up the check on your behalf.

Due to the large number of awards, we cannot make individual arrangements for check pick-up other than the options listed above.

Please email Kati Moore at ASAP if you are no longer able to attend the meeting.

2018 Hamilton Award Finalists

Jul 18, 2018 - 01:08 PM

Congratulations to the 14 W. D. Hamilton Award finalists! Each finalist will receive a $500 travel stipend to the Evolution meeting in Montpellier, and will present their research during the Hamilton Award Symposium. See the names of this year's finalists and learn more about the award here

Constraining the EPA from using all available data: Comment on EPA-HQ-OA-2018-0259

Jun 19, 2018 - 02:08 PM

On June 18, SSE, the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) submitted a comment to the Environmental Protection Agency in response to a proposed rule that would require that research conducted by the EPA be based on data that are publicly available. Continue reading for the full letter. 

New Faculty Profile: Martha Muñoz

Jun 18, 2018 - 05:07 PM
Picture 0 for New Faculty Profile: Martha Muñoz

The New Faculty Profile series highlights new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we introduce Dr. Martha Muñoz. Dr. Muñoz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech studying ecological processes and evolutionary patterns related to physiology. Read her full profile here

New Faculty Profile: Michael White

Jun 18, 2018 - 05:07 PM
Picture 0 for New Faculty Profile: Michael White

The New Faculty Profile series highlights new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we introduce Dr. Michael White. Dr. White is an Assistant Professor in the Genetics Department at the University of Georgia studying the evolution of sex chromosomes in threespine stickleback fish. Read his full profile here.

New Data Privacy and Transparency Policy

Jun 18, 2018 - 03:22 PM

We recently updated our policy on data privacy and transparency. Read the full policy here.

2018 T. H. Huxley Award

Jun 18, 2018 - 03:21 PM

The SSE Education and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce the winner of the 2018 T. H. Huxley Award, Dr. Katie Grogan and colleagues Dr. Teresa W. Lee and Dr. Justine Liepkalns, who developed an educational activity for teaching evolutionary mechanisms. In the activity, students use a population of sticky notes to reveal the consequences of natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow on phenotype frequency. Read more here.

2018 R. A. Fisher Prize

Jun 18, 2018 - 03:17 PM
Picture 0 for 2018 R. A. Fisher Prize

Congratulations to the 2018 winner of the R. A. Fisher Prize, Dr. Valerie Morley, for her paper “Dynamics of molecular evolution in RNA virus populations depend on sudden versus gradual environmental change” published in Evolution. The R. A. Fisher Prize is awarded annually by SSE for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in the journal Evolution during a given calendar year. The award comes with a $1000 honorarium. Learn more about the prize and this year’s recipient here.

SSE Sponsorship Highlight: Rosemary Grant Awards

Jun 11, 2018 - 01:40 PM

From 2010 to 2017, SSE offered one research award for early career students – the Rosemary Grant Award. SSE has since implemented a new awards program, the Graduate Research Excellence Grants, which include the Rosemary Grant Advanced Award for PhD candidates and the R. C. Lewontin Early Award for students in the first two years of their PhD. Continue reading to hear from past recipients of the original Rosemary Grant Award on how the award helped their graduate research work. 

New Faculty Profile: Alison Wright

May 23, 2018 - 05:11 PM
Picture 0 for New Faculty Profile: Alison Wright

The New Faculty Profile series highlights and introduces new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we highlight Dr. Alison Wright. Dr. Wright is a NERC Independent Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield studying evolutionary conflicts of interest between males and females and the genomic mechanisms that lead to their resolution. Read her full profile here.

New Faculty Profile: Cassie Stoddard

May 23, 2018 - 05:11 PM
Picture 0 for New Faculty Profile: Cassie Stoddard

The New Faculty Profile series highlights and introduces new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we highlight Dr. Cassie Stoddard. Dr. Stoddard is an Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University studying avian vision and coloration as well as the development and structure of avian eggs. Read her full profile here.

Gender Equity at Scientific Events

May 23, 2018 - 11:44 AM

Last month, Evolution Letters published a study by Florence Débarre and colleagues about gender representation at evolution conferences. The study used select data from the SSE membership database and the annual Evolution meeting. The results indicated that the proportion of invited women speakers at conferences is higher when there are more women among the organizers and when organizers consider gender when choosing speakers. SSE will use the findings from this study to better engage a diversity of scientists at future meetings. Read the full paper here.

GREG - R.C. Lewontin Awards

May 23, 2018 - 11:37 AM

Congratulations to the 22 recipients of the 2018 Graduate Research Excellence Grant (GREG) R.C. Lewontin Award! This award assists students in the early stages of their Ph.D. by enabling them to collect preliminary data or to enhance the scope of their research. Thank you to our members whose donations helped fund these awards! Continue reading for a list of this year's recipients.

Additional Grants to Students in Puerto Rico

May 23, 2018 - 10:53 AM

Thanks to additional donations received earlier this year, SSE and ASN were able to award financial aid to seven additional graduate students in Puerto Rico whose research was impacted by Hurricane Maria last year. Thank you to all who donated!

SSE Sponsorship Highlight: AIBS Congressional Visits Day

May 10, 2018 - 04:34 PM

Last month, SSE funded 4 members to attend the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) Congressional Visits Day and the AIBS Communications Bootcamp in Washington, DC. The event included an advocacy-training program and congressional meetings with elected officials. Continue reading to hear from participants about their experiences.

New Faculty Profile: Megan Phifer-Rixey

Apr 10, 2018 - 05:14 PM
Picture 0 for New Faculty Profile: Megan Phifer-Rixey

The New Faculty Profile series highlights and introduces new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we highlight Dr. Megan Phifer-Rixey. Dr. Phifer-Rixey is an assistant professor of biology at Monmouth University studying speciation and adaptation in mice. Read her full profile here.

Registration now open for Evolution 2018!

Apr 10, 2018 - 02:05 PM

Due to space constraints at the venue, there will be limited spots to register for Evolution 2018.  Please see the message below from the organizers:

General registration for the second Joint Conference on Evolutionary Biology (Montpellier 2018) will open on April 10th 5pm Central European Summer Time (11am EST).  We will then apply a first-come, first-served rule independently of whether people are presenting or not. We expect the cap to be reached very quickly once registration is open for all. Prepare your registration in advance to speed up the process.

On April 10th, the registration department will be on duty until 12am (midnight, Central European Summer Time) to answer your queries if you experience difficulties in registering. Then the service will close for a few hours and reopen on April 11th 9am(Central European Summer Time): you can register while the service is closed but specific queries can be answered only during times where it is open.

We will maintain a waiting list for registration and will inform persons on the list as cancellations of registered participants occur.

Looking forward welcoming you in Montpellier.

SSE Sponsorship Highlight: COLEVOL

Apr 10, 2018 - 02:00 PM

SSE sponsors and funds a variety of exciting initiatives to further the study of evolution and engage a diversity of people in research. This month we highlight the Colombian Association for Evolutionary Biology (COLEVOL) Symposium. SSE has contributed funds to this program for several years, including last year’s meeting in Cali, Colombia. Continue reading to hear from Franchesco Molina Henao, who helped organize last year’s meeting, about how SSE funding helped them achieve their goals.

Sponsored Symposia at Evolution 2019

Apr 10, 2018 - 01:49 PM

The SSE Council invites proposals for two SSE-sponsored symposia to be held in conjunction with the 2019 annual meeting in Providence, RI. The Council considers the novelty of the topic and likely interest among its members. We encourage proposals from sub-fields or taxonomic groups that have been underrepresented in past symposia. Please note: The SSE Council considers the diversity of participants as an important criterion for symposium selection. Proposals are due July 15, 2018. Learn more about the selection process and how to submit your proposal here.

2018 GREG Rosemary Grant Advanced Award Recipients

Apr 10, 2018 - 01:47 PM

Congratulations to the 12 recipients of the 2018 Graduate Research Excellence Grant (GREG) Rosemary Grant Advanced Award! This award, created this year, assists PhD candidates in enhancing the scope of their dissertation research. Thank you to our members whose donations helped fund these awards! Click here to view this year's recipients.

New Faculty Profile: Jeremy Yoder

Apr 10, 2018 - 12:17 PM
Picture 0 for New Faculty Profile: Jeremy Yoder

The New Faculty Profile series highlights and introduces new Principal Investigators who are SSE members. This month we highlight Dr. Jeremy YoderDr. Yoder is an assistant professor of biology at California State University Northridge studying coevolution and the population genomics of plants. Read his full profile here.

Travel Awards for Evolution 2018

Mar 26, 2018 - 03:42 PM

This year SSE is granting more than $100,000 in travel awards to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows attend the Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier. Email notifications have now been sent to the >100 selected awardees. Thank you to our 2017 donors who allowed us to fund extra travel awards!

Join the Graduate Student Advisory Council!

Mar 15, 2018 - 09:56 AM

The SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) is in search of two additional PhD student members to serve in the 2019 cohort! The GSAC represents student interests to the Council and facilitates interaction among students and between students and mentors. Applicants should be organized, outgoing, and possess leadership skills. Learn more about GSAC and apply here by April 15.

Hurricane Maria Grants for Students in Puerto Rico

Mar 15, 2018 - 09:54 AM

Thank you to everyone who donated to ASN and SSE to fund grants to students in Puerto Rico affected by Hurricane Maria. We were able to grant over $18,000 to help students continue their research. Continue reading to hear one student who received funding, Paola Matos Ruiz, explain the impact of these funds.

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