Council and Committees

Council Nomination Form

Nominate yourself or someone else for SSE Council. Officer nominations submitted by April 1 will receive full consideration by the nominating committee for that year's election cycle. Nominations for the Editorial Board submitted by July 1 will receive full consideration for that year's nomination cycle. 

Submit Nomination button

Handbook for SSE Council and Committee Members

For an overveiw of Council member duties, committee activities, and awards, review the Handbook for SSE Council and Committee Members. 

Diagram of SSE Leadership structure.


For additional contacts, visit our Contact Us page.

SSE Council Members: 2025

denotes voting members
* denotes Executive Council member


(Defined by the SSE Constitution, Article 4)

President +* 
Carol Boggs
Department of Biological Sciences
University of South Carolina
president [at]

President-Elect +* 
Regina Baucom
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan
rsbaucom [at]

Past President +* 
Anne Charmantier
Evolutionary and Behavioral Ecology Department
Centre D'Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Evolutive

anne.charmantier [at]

Executive Vice-President +*
Howard Rundle
Department of Biology
University of Ottawa
execvp [at]

Secretary +* 
Amber Rice
Department of Biological Sciences
Lehigh University
secretary [at]
Treasurer +  
Jeff McKinnon
Department of Biology
East Carolina University
treasurer [at]

North American Vice-President + 
Aditi Pai
Spelman College
apai [at]

Non-North American Vice President + 
María del Rosario Castañeda

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas
Universidad Icesi
mdcastaneda [at]

Editor-in-Chief, Evolution + 
Jason Wolf
Milner Centre for Evolution
j.b.wolf [at]


Councilors (2023-2025)  

Danielle Edwards
School of Natural Sciences
University of California Merced
dedwards5 [at]

Katie Wagner
Department of Botany
University of Wyoming
amr511 [at]
Councilors (2024-2026) + 

Nancy Chen
Department of Biology
University of Rochester
nancy.chen [at]

Martha Muñoz
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Yale University
martha.munoz [at]
Rosa Sánchez Guillén
Instituto de Ecología A.C.
Xalapa, Veracruz, México
rosa.sanchez [at]
Councilors (2025-2027) + 

Kathleen Kay
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
University of California Santa Cruz
kmkay [at]

Mariana Nery
Department of Genetics, Evolution, Microbiology, and Immunology
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
marinery [at]
Brandon Ogbunu
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Yale University
brandon.ogbunu [at]

Other Voting Council Members

GSAC Chair +
Shirley Zhang
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cornell University
gsac [at]
GSAC Past Chair +
Haosu (Susu) Cong
Department of Entomology
Michigan State University

Standing Committees: 2025

* denotes Committee designated in Constitution or Bylaws

To learn more about the role and objectives of each committee, please consult the SSE Handbook for Council and Committee Members.

Diversity Committee
Laurie Stevison (Co-chair 2024-2025)
Martha Burford Reiskind (Co-chair 2025-2026)
Bronwyn Bleakley
Merai Caldeira
Samridhi Chaturvedi
Nancy Chen
Scott Gevaert
Jay Goldberg
Jordan Lewis
Jill Love
Sean Mullen
Marliea Oviedo-Diego
Elizabeth Ostrowski
Carrie Tribble
Xianfa Xie
Kelly Zamudio

diversity [at]
Diversity Committee Webpage

Education & Outreach Committee
Vanessa Koelling (Chair 2025-2027)
Maria Jose Albo
Jay Bundy
Zach Grochau-Wright
Michael Grillo
Zach Hancock
Katja Kasimatis
Kathleen Kay
Elizabeth Lange
Maria Orive (ASN representative)
Kristina Ramstad
Leslie Rissler
Sonal Singhal (SSB representative)
Meredith Willmott

education [at]
Education and Outreach Webpage


Ethics Review Committee *
Bylaws, Article VI Section 9
Anne Charmantier (Chair as Past-President)
Graham Coop
Kelly Dyer
Rollin Richmond
Peter Tiffin

Finance Committee *
Bylaws, Article 4 
Courtney Murren (Chair)
Howard Rundle
Martha Muñoz
Troy Day
Chris Caruso

Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)
Shirley Zhang (Chair)
Haosu (Susu) Cong (Past Chair)
Prothama Manna (Chair-Elect)
Rujuta Vaidya
María Tocora
Gbolahan Anthony Reis
Mete Yuksel

GSAC [at]
GSAC Webpage


International Affairs Committee
María del Rosario Castañeda (Chair)
Juan Diego Gaitan Espitia
Maira Hafiza
Thales Moreira de Lima
Mariana Nery
Enoch Ngoma
Caleb Onoja Akogwu
Madlen Prang
NG Prasad
Diogo B. Provete
Isa-Rita Russo
Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillen
Vincent Savolainen
Srijan Seal
Seni Senjaya
Arvid Ågren

international [at]
International Committee Webpage


Nominating Committee *
Constitution, Article 5
Catherine Rushworth (Chair)
Windsor Aguirre
Sara Magalhaes

Public Policy Committee
Matthew Rubin (Chair)
Amber Rice
Katy Heath 
Florence Débarre (ASN representative)

policy [at]
Public Policy Committee Webpage


Multi-Society Committees

Code of Conduct Committee 
Evolution Meeting
Brian O’Meara (SSB, Chair)
Andrea Case (SSE)
Elizabeth Carlen (SSE)

Safe Evolution Website
Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Award Selection Committee
Jessica Light (SSB, Chair)
Vince Formica (ASN)
Susana Wadgymar (SSE)
TBD (ASN Student Representative)

IDEA Award Webpage
Joint Meeting Committee
Alex Wong (Co-chief Meeting Officer)
April Wright (Co-chief Meeting Officer)
Tara Pelletier (Assistant Meeting Officer)
Mike Wiser (Assistant Meeting Officer, Virtual)
Aditi Pai (SSE representative)
Tracy Heath (SSB representative)
Mark McPeek (ASN representative)
Howard Rundle (SSE EVP)

Evolution Meeting Website
Evolution Letters Oversight Committee
Jacintha Ellers (ESEB) (Chair)
Amber Rice (SSE Secretary)
Andrew McAdam (SSE)
Rhonda Snook (ESEB)
Thomas Flatt (Member-appointed)


Past Officers

View past officers and editors on this pdf.

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