New Faculty Profile: Felipe Zapata

Jan 26, 2020 - 09:00 AM

In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Felipe Zapata.

New Faculty Profile: Vanessa Koelling

Jan 25, 2020 - 11:57 AM

In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Vanessa Koelling.

2020 AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Jan 15, 2020 - 12:46 PM


The SSE Public Policy Committee is pleased to offer grants to SSE members to attend science communication and advocacy training held by the American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS) on April 20-22 in Washington, DC. In addition to the training, participants will speak with their elected congressional representatives during meetings organized by AIBS. Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this valuable workshop. Funding will cover economy travel and reasonable lodging.

To apply, please complete this application and provide a brief (250 words or less) statement describing your interest in participating in federal policy making and what issues you would like to address. Applications are due February 21, 2020.

Read statements from previously funded participants
here. Apply here.

SSE Diversity Committee Call for New Members

Dec 19, 2019 - 03:41 PM

The SSE Diversity Committee (DC) seeks to add two new members starting in 2020. The DC works to create a professional society that is supportive of members from all backgrounds through several main actions: by broadening representation to the SSE Executive Council, by pursuing initiatives that support underrepresented groups, and by creating an inclusive, accessible environment at the Evolution conference. Continue reading to learn more.

2020 Newly Elected Officers

Dec 09, 2019 - 03:54 AM

Congratulations to all the SSE officers elected in the 2020 election! On January 1, the current SSE Council will be joined by Lynda Delph as President-Elect, Andrea Case as returning Executive Vice President, Ophelie Ronce as Vice President, and Joel McGlothlin and Nicole Valenzuela as Councilors. We are pleased to announce the proposal to create a new Treasurer position passed. We welcome Chris Caruso as our newly elected Treasurer! We also welcome new GSAC President-Elect Elizabeth Carlen and GSAC members Catherine Chen and Erin Giglio.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our Council members who are rotating off: Hopi Hoekstra as Past President, Tracey Chapman as Vice President, Jodie Wiggins as GSAC Past Chair, Daniel Matute and Trisha Wittkopp as Councilors, and José Cerca and Melissa Plakke as GSAC members. We would also like to voice our appreciation for the Evolution Associate Editors who are rotating off. Thank you all for your hard work on behalf of the Society!

Graduate Research Excellence Grants - R.C. Lewontin Early Award

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:20 PM

The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) is pleased to announce the 2020 Graduate Research Excellence Grant (GREG) – R.C. Lewontin Award competition. These awards are to assist student members in the early stages of their Ph.D. programs. These grants are part of the Graduate Research Excellence Grants award program. Only Ph.D. students in their first two years of their programs are eligible. Awards will range from $1,500 - $2500 and approximately twenty awards will be made. Proposals are due February 15, 2020. Learn more here.

Stephen Jay Gould Prize: Call for Nominations

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:18 PM

SSE is pleased to announce the 2020 Stephen Jay Gould Prize for the Understanding of Evolution. This award recognizes, promotes, and rewards individuals who have increased public understanding of evolutionary biology and its place in modern science. 

The award will include a cash prize of $5,000, and the recipient will present the Public Outreach Seminar at the 2020 Evolution Meeting in Cleveland, OH on June 19-23. The awardee should be a leader in evolutionary thought and in public outreach who can deliver an inspiring lecture for both professionals and the broader public. Nominees do not need to be members of SSE. Nominations are due January 15. Learn more here.

Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize: Call for Nominations

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:11 PM

The Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize is awarded annually to recognize the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding young evolutionary biologist. We consider candidates working on all areas of evolutionary biology, broadly defined. We value diversity, and are seeking a broad and diverse applicant pool from all axes and components of diversity in the evolutionary biology community. Nominees do not need to be members of SSE. The Dobzhansky Prize is accompanied by a check for U.S. $5000 and funds to attend the annual Evolution meeting. Nominations are due January 31. Learn more here.

R.A. Fisher Prize: Call for Nominations

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:10 PM
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The R. A. Fisher Prize is awarded annually for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in the journal Evolution during a given calendar year. To be eligible for consideration, a manuscript must be based on graduate work of the primary author. The manuscript must have been published in an issue of the journal Evolution in 2019 (Volume 73). Nominees do not need to be members of SSE. The Fisher Prize is accompanied by a check for U.S. $1000 and funds to attend the annual Evolution meeting. Nominations are due January 31. Learn more here.

Small Grants Program: Call for Proposals

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:09 PM

These grants provide support for local and regional educational outreach activities to take place during 2020. It is our hope that these projects will lead to ongoing outreach collaboration in future years. Preference will be given to new collaborations, but extensions of previous projects that have evidence of success are allowed. Amounts requested may be up to $1000. Proposals are due January 18. Learn more here.

See the SSE Sponsorship Highlight below for an example of a funded Small Grants program.

New Faculty Profile: Genevieve Kozak

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:06 PM

In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Genevieve Kozak.

New Faculty Profile: Diogo Borges Provete

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:04 PM

In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Diogo Borges Provete.</p>

Recently on the Blog: What I Wish Others Knew About the Amazon

Nov 26, 2019 - 04:02 PM

 When someone asks me if I’ve “seen the Amazon,” I think it reveals that people don’t know what the Amazon forest really is. I was born in Manaus, a city in the middle of the Amazon; the Amazon Forest is my home. I studied biology, but my contact with the forest began when I was a child. Like my parents, I was raised to like and respect nature.

Continue reading Érica M. S. Souza’s story on the SSE Community Blog.

SSE Sponsorship Highlight: evALLution (Small Grants Program)

Nov 26, 2019 - 03:59 PM

From evALLution organizer Telma Laurentino:

The SSE local and regional outreach grant was the main funding source of our inclusive outreach activity: evALLution. These funds allowed us to acquire materials to bring our multi-sensory tree-of-life to… life! The activity taught more than 100 participants - from 5 to 90 years old - about evolution, including 40 participants with visual disability. The funds allowed us to set up a multi-sensory phylogeny with specimens and materials representative of 20 taxonomic groups for everyone to touch, which allowed the people with visual disability to experience biodiversity like never before, while learning about adaptation, natural selection and common ancestry! Smiles were wide and constant and the data we collected show that when knowledge is made accessible everyone can learn and everyone benefits. For this, we are extremely grateful to SSE for supporting our idea and helping us make the wonders of evolution available to ALL. 

Watch a video of the event here:

Learn more about the evALLution program in Telma's post on the SSE Community Blog:

Learn more about the Small Grants program here:

SSE Elections Now Open

Nov 08, 2019 - 02:09 PM

SSE elections are now open through November 27! All members should have received an email with a link to the 2020 candidates' statements and the ballot. Members have the opportunity to vote for the 2020 President-Elect, Executive Vice President, Non-North American Vice President, and two Councillors. The ballot also includes a proposed Constitutional amendment to create a new position of Treasurer and a candidate for that position if the amendment passes. Cast your vote today!

2019 Evolution Meetings Code of Conduct Transparency Report

Nov 01, 2019 - 05:10 PM
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The 2019 transparency report from the ASN/SSE/SSB Evolution Meetings Code of Conduct Committee is now available. Each year, the Code of Conduct Committee will release a transparency report summarizing incidents, consequences, and related changes. The Code of Conduct has a strong emphasis on confidentiality; reports have been aggregated to avoid inadvertently linking reporters or respondents to incidents or any sanctions. The goal of this transparency report is to provide the community with a sense of how the Code of Conduct functions so they can build trust in the process, if such trust is warranted, and recommend improvements. Read the full report here. Learn more about the Safe Evolution program here.

New Faculty Profile: Emily Josephs

Nov 01, 2019 - 05:00 PM

The SSE New Faculty Profiles series highlights and introduces up-and-coming PIs in SSE. We invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. Find out how to submit a nomination here.

This month we highlight Dr. Emily Josephs. Dr. Josephs is an assistant professor in the Plant Biology department at Michigan State University studying how various evolutionary forces shape patterns of genetic variation and trait variation in natural and domesticated plant species. Read her full profile here.

New Faculty Profile: Jonathan Puritz

Nov 01, 2019 - 04:58 PM

The SSE New Faculty Profiles series highlights and introduces up-and-coming PIs in SSE. We invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. Find out how to submit a nomination here

This month we highlight Dr. Jonathan Puritz. Dr. Puritz is an assistant professor in the Biological Sciences Department at University of Rhode Island studying how natural and anthropogenic processes affect the evolution of marine populations through the lens of larval dispersal. Read his full profile here.

On the Blog: Applying to a PhD program in the US as an international student

Nov 01, 2019 - 04:53 PM
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“I started doing research as an undergraduate student at the University of Sao Paulo in my native Brazil. By the time I was starting my master’s degree at the same university, I was very much set on a research career, but at that point I had never seriously entertained the possibility of leaving Brazil for a PhD. The thought had crossed my mind, but I thought it wasn’t for me: the process of finding a suitable advisor and lab, applying for a graduate program and moving overseas just seemed daunting.”

Continue reading for Rafael’s step-by-step primer for international students applying to PhD programs in the US. 

SSE Sponsored Event: Evolution Film Festival

Nov 01, 2019 - 04:50 PM

This month we highlight the 8th Annual Evolution Film Festival/Video Contest. Every year, scientists, science communicators and science film-makers are invited to submit an original, short (three-minute-or-less) video which tells an interesting story of evolution in a creative, engaging, entertaining way. The finalists are screened at the annual Evolution meeting and audience members vote on their favorite. As in previous years, SSE sponsored this year’s event by providing cash prizes for the winner ($1,000) and runner-up ($500).

This year’s winner (“How to Make Humans Sick”) was submitted by Noah Resnick of Arbor Vitae Animations and can be viewed hereThe runner up was high school student Josh Mott of Largo, FL, who submitted “Josh’s Evolution Exploration” (view it here).

Coming soon: SSE Elections

Oct 25, 2019 - 01:11 PM

It’s election season again! This year we’ll be voting in a new President-Elect, the Non-North American Vice President, and two new Councilors. Candidate statements will be posted soon on the website, with polls opening in early November. Please join me in thanking our outgoing officers for their hard work and dedication: Past President Hopi Hoekstra, Non-North American VP Tracey Chapman, and Councilors Daniel Matute and Trisha Wittkopp. A big thank you also to our Nominating Committee, Marc Johnson, Anne Charmantier, and Annie Schmitt for their work selecting the new candidates. 

The 2020 SSE Council Ballot will include a proposed amendment of the Constitution to create a new position of Treasurer. Members will be able to vote on this proposal during the 2020 SSE Council election in November 2019.

Unlike most professional societies, the SSE has Constitution that do not define a position of Treasurer. Instead, the Bylaws specify that the Executive Vice President (EVP) is “responsible for the administration, management and operation of the Society” (SSE Bylaws, Article 3).  

In 2017, SSE Council voted to significantly expand its activities and programs, at which point the duties of the EVP became unmanageable for one person.

SSE Council proposes the creation of a separate office of Treasurer to begin January 2020. This proposal requires amendments to the Constitution and approval by a majority of votes submitted by members via ballots (SSE Constitution, Article 7). The text of the proposed amendments can be found here.

In November 2019, SSE members will receive an email ballot requesting a vote on the establishment of a Treasurer for the Society along with their preferences for candidates of other elected offices.

The Treasurer, like the EVP and the Secretary, will normally serve a three-year term. However, in order to avoid coincident turnover in these positions, the term for the first treasurer will be two years (i.e., Jan 2020–Dec 2021); each subsequent term will last three years.  

Proposed responsibilities of the SSE Treasurer

The Treasurer shall manage financial records for the society. The term will be three years with the possibility of re-election to the position. Stipend will be set at $10K per year.

Duties will include the following: 

1. Coordinate with EVP in planning the annual budget and serve as a member of the SSE Finance Committee
2. Monitor and assess annual income and expenditures in relation to the budget
3. Coordinate payment of all invoices, grants, prizes, awards, stipends and reimbursements and keep all receipts related to reimbursements
4. Coordinate with investment advisor regarding the management of the investment accounts
5. Coordinate with tax accountants and the financial manager for filing of appropriate annual tax information
6. Present Treasurer's reports to Council at annual and mid-year council meetings

We welcome your questions and comments on this proposal. To make your voice heard, please leave a comment here. SSE members must sign in to make a comment. 

ASN/SSE/SSB Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access Award

Oct 04, 2019 - 10:01 AM

The American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Society of Systematic Biologists announce the call for nominations for the 1st annual ASN/SSE/SSB Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Award. The IDEA Award will be given to a person at any career stage who has strengthened the ecology and evolutionary biology community by promoting inclusiveness and diversity in our fields. The award can also be presented to a group. The recipient will receive a plaque at the annual meeting of ASN/SSB/SSE and a $1000 honorarium.

***Eligibility Note: No contemporary officer, editor, member of diversity committee, or meeting organizer of the three societies is eligible for the award.***

Nominations should be submitted by January 15, 2020. Continue reading for nomination instructions.

NSF Seeks GRFP Reviewers

Sep 20, 2019 - 02:16 PM
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The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued an invitation to researchers to register as potential reviewers for the 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). The NSF writes, “Serving as a GRFP Reviewer is an excellent opportunity to apply your research and career expertise to help identify future science and engineering leaders. It is also a great opportunity to become familiar with the NSF Merit Review process.” Learn more and register here.

New Faculty Profile: Nancy Chen

Sep 20, 2019 - 02:14 PM

In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. Find out how to submit a nomination here. This month we highlight Dr. Nancy Chen.

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