The Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize

   Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Dobzhansky Prize, to recognize the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding early-career evolutionary biologist, nominations due December 1, 2024.



The Dobzhansky Prize is awarded annually by the Society for the Study of Evolution to recognize the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding early-career evolutionary biologist. The prize was established in memory of Professor Theodosius Dobzhansky by his friends and colleagues, and reflects his lifelong commitment to fostering the research careers of young scientists.


We seek nominees working in all areas of evolutionary biology, on any taxonomic group/system, using empirical and/or theoretical approaches. We hope the pool of nominees will reflect the many axes and components of diversity in the evolutionary biology community. We are specifically looking for candidates who take creative approaches to answering pressing questions in evolutionary biology. We welcome nominations of researchers around the globe.

Specific requirements:

  • The nominee's university must have officially awarded their degree (Ph.D. or equivalent) between December 1, 2020 and December 1, 2024.*
  • The nominee must be actively involved in research in the field of evolutionary biology.
  • The nominee does not have to be a member of the Society for the Study of Evolution, but membership is encouraged. Learn more about the benefits of SSE membership and how to join.

*Please note that this is the official date the PhD or equivalent was awarded by the nomination's institution, which may not be the same date as an oral defense, viva, or live defense. The committee will consider circumstances that may extend eligibility (e.g., parental leave) and encourages nominations of biologists from historically under-represented groups. Please contact committee chair Sarah Schaack at with any questions about eligibility.

How to Apply

Candidates may apply directly or may be nominated. Each nomination should include:  

  1. Curriculum vitae, which should include any research, teaching, and/or mentorship, and outreach activities
  2. Summary of research accomplishments (maximum 3 pages, including references)
  3. Statement of research plans for the next 5 years (maximum 4 pages, including references)
  4. Full text of three recent publications
  5. Three reference letters

Please submit items 1-4 as a single pdf. Reference letter writers should send their letters via email to the SSE Secretary at by December 1, 2024 with the nominee’s name in the subject line. Please provide the names and email addresses of references on the nomination form.

Submit Nomination button

Deadline: December 1, 2024, 5:00 PM EST
Note: Be sure to click “Complete” after filling out the nomination form in order to submit your nomination! You may be prompted to log in after clicking “Complete”, but that is not necessary. Rest assured that your application has been submitted!

Evaluation Criteria

Nominations will be scored on the following areas:

  1. How engaged is this person, in terms of papers, talks or posters, and outreach?
  2. How independent, broad, and deep is the record of past evolution research?
  3. What is the potential impact, scope, and clarity of future research plans?
  4. Are this person's discoveries contributing to major changes within the field of evolution?


The Dobzhansky Prize is accompanied by a check for U.S. $5000, and is awarded at the annual Evolution meeting. The recipient is expected to be present to receive the award and to give an oral presentation about their research. To facilitate attendance, SSE provides funds to cover the costs of conference registration, accommodation during the conference, and expenses for travel to and from the conference. The recipient will be notified of the award in late March.

Awardees will also be encouraged to submit an accompanying article to Evolution (primary research, review, insight or commentary, fast-tracked through review and made freely available) within 2 months of the conference. Published articles would highlight the award obtained.


Past Winners:

        1990   Erik Greene       2000   Thomas Lenormand       2010   Fyodor Kondrashov   
1981   Douglas R. Cavener       1991   Jonathan Losos       2001   Alexander Badyaev       2011   Joel McGlothlin  
1982  Elizabeth Anne Zimmer       1992   Barry Sinervo       2002   Howard Rundle        2012   Daniel Rabosky  
1983 Anthony J. Zera     1993   H. Allen Orr       2003   Daven Presgraves       2013   Rowan D. H. Barrett  
1984   Robb F. Leary     1994   David Haig       2004   Aneil Agrawal       2014   Daniel Matute  
1985 Joshua J. Schwartz      1995   David Begun       2005   Daniel Bolnick       2015   Katie Wagner
        1996   Rufus A. Johnstone       2006   Russel Bonduriansky        2016   Mary Caswell Stoddard
1987   Ary A. Hoffmann       1997   Massimo Pigliucci        2007   Franziska Michor       2017  Molly Schumer
1988  Steven A. Frank       1998   Christian P. Klingenberg       2008   Patrik Nosil       2018   Amanda Kyle Gibson
1989 Bernard J. Crespi     1999   Jason B. Wolf       2009   Judith Mank        2019 Matthew Pennell
2020 Jacqueline Sztepanacz
2021 Katja Kasimatis
Honorable Mentions:
Amanda Hund
Rosana Zenil-Ferguson
2022 Philipp Brand
Honorable mention: Jennifer Coughlan
2023 Dakota McCoy
2024 Chloé Schmidt
Honorable mention: Kim Hoang


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