Congratulations to Dr. Dorota Paczesniak, recipient of the 2020 Fisher Prize for her paper, “Parasite resistance predicts fitness better than fecundity in a natural population of the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum.” The R. A. Fisher Prize is awarded annually by the Society for the Study of Evolution for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in an issue of the journal Evolution during a given calendar year. The award comes with a $1000 honorarium.
In light of the uncertainties around event planning for the next few months, the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) International Committee has extended the deadline for two of their grants:
Co-sponsorship of symposia organized by non-US evolution societies
The goal of this award is to foster communication between scientists from different countries by stimulating scientific dialogue through co-sponsored symposia. Evolution societies with limited financial resources will have the opportunity to invite speakers who are SSE members to their meeting. This will provide growth opportunities for both societies, since it will not only benefit the hosting society but also create opportunities for new collaborations for the invited speakers.
The SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) is in search of two additional student members to serve in the 2020 cohort!
The GSAC represents student and postdoc interests to the SSE Council and facilitates interaction among students and postdocs, and between students, postdocs, and mentors. Our goal is to be a source of information for students to use during their graduate school career and as they make career transitions. GSAC members must be graduate students at the time of application, and at least one year into their PhD program. Applicants should be organized, possess leadership skills, and be interested in working with SSE members to contribute to the Society.
Applications are due April 22, 2020.
In response to many requests via social media, the Evolution Meeting organizers are taking pre-orders for shirts for Evolution 2020, "The Meeting That Never Happened." Shirts are available in two styles and will be sold until April 23. All profits will go to the meeting account shared by SSE, ASN, and SSB. Get yours today!
The annual meeting is run on a break-even basis whereby registration fees and sponsorship income cover the expenses associated with the conference. Even in the best-case scenario, there will be financial consequences to the societies of cancelling the 2020 meeting. If you would like to make a donation to help defray cancellation costs for the three societies, you can now do so through SSE. All funds will go to the conference accounts.
Dear SSE Colleagues,
As the COVID-19 pandemic has been unfolding across the globe, we evolutionary biologists, along with the rest of the world's population, find ourselves embedded in this staggering biological phenomenon that is causing severe disruption of our personal and professional lives. I write to convey my keen hope that you are all keeping well and helping those around you by complying with CDC recommendations for changing our behavior. Beyond this, I hope you yourselves can maintain good spirits and support those in your circles. I am sorely disappointed that we won't be meeting in June as friends and fellow students of evolution, but I will continue to appreciate our mutually supportive community of evolutionists.
Ruth Shaw
President, Society for the Study of Evolution
In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Susana Wadgymar.
In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Nicholas Kooyers.
The councils of SSB, ASN, and SSE have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Evolution meeting in Cleveland. Our highest priority is the health and well-being of our communities. Full refunds will be issued to all attendees and sponsors who have registered thus far. We are continuing to plan for Evolution 2021 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Please pay attention to best practices during these stressful times, and stay healthy.
The Society for the Study of Evolution is pleased to announce the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award for evolutionary biologists. The award recognizes individuals who have made substantial contributions to the study of evolution, who have demonstrated outstanding mentorship of trainees, and/or who have provided noteworthy service to the evolution community. The awardee will be chosen this summer and will be presented at the 2021 Evolution meeting in Albuquerque, NM. Nominations are due April 1, 2020.
SSE, the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), and the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) are pleased to announce the recipients of the inaugural Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Award, Dr. Scott Edwards and Dr. Richard Kliman. Dr. Edwards and Dr. Kliman were selected for their steadfast commitment to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion of underrepresented minorities in evolutionary biology. In 2001, they started the Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution (UDE) program, which still provides funding and mentorship for students to attend the annual Evolution meeting. Since its inception, nearly 250 US and international undergraduates have had the opportunity to participate. Thank you to Dr. Edwards and Dr. Kliman for your commitment and contributions to the community!
An important note from our meeting organizers:
At this point, the Evolution meeting is going ahead as planned. Registration remains open and we note that attendees can cancel their meeting registration for a full refund (less a nominal $10 fee) up to June 1. We are monitoring the situation as the health and safety of our attendees remains our top priority, and while we will do our best to avoid it, we will cancel if deemed appropriate. We are currently assessing our agreements with the conference center and other parties and will be consulting with the governing councils of SSE, ASN, and SSB. We hope to establish a more firm timetable for decisions in the next 10 days or so. Updates will be posted on the meeting website as soon as they are available.
The SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) is in search of two additional student members to serve in the 2020 cohort! The GSAC represents student and postdoc interests to the SSE Council and facilitates interaction among students and postdocs, and between students, postdocs, and mentors. Our goal is to be a source of information for students to use during their graduate school career and as they make career transitions. Applications are due April 15. Learn more about GSAC and how to apply here.
The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) Education Committee is pleased to announce the 2020 T. H. Huxley award, named in honor of Darwin's very public supporter, which recognizes and promotes the development of high quality evolution education resources. If you have an interesting project or educational activity to share, consider applying for this award. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to apply.
This award provides funding for an SSE member to present evolution education resources at the National Association of Biology Teachers ( annual conference. This year’s NABT conference will be held Nov. 5-8, 2020 in Baltimore, MD.
Applications are due March 22. Learn more and apply here.
The SSE Gould Prize Committee is pleased to announce Dr. Leslie J. Rissler of the National Science Foundation as the 2020 recipient of the Stephen Jay Gould Prize. Dr. Rissler was selected for her contributions and commitment to the public understanding of evolutionary biology, including founding the Evolutionary Working Group at the University of Alabama, which organized an Evolutionary Studies Minor for undergraduates and the Alabama Lectures on Life’s Evolution (ALLELE) seminar series for the public. Dr. Rissler also served as the Science Advisor and Executive Co-Producer of the Alabama Public Television program “Speaking Evolution.” As the Gould Prize awardee, Dr. Rissler will present the public outreach lecture at this year’s Evolution meeting in Cleveland, OH, USA in June. Learn more about the Gould Prize here.
The American Society of Naturalists, Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Society of Systematic Biologists are looking for Evo Allies for the 2020 Evolution Meeting in Cleveland. Evo Allies are vetted and trained attendees who serve the community as visible colleagues who are available to offer support to Evolution Meeting participants who are targets of, or who witness, inappropriate behavior. Applications are due Monday, March 23. Continue reading for more information.
Congratulations to the 2020 recipients of the Small Grants for Local and Regional Outreach Promoting the Understanding of Evolutionary Biology!
Rebecca Brewer, Michigan State University; Models for Evolution
Travis Hagey, Mississippi University for Women; Hominid Skull Replicas
Angela Hung, Prairie State College; Darwin Day at Prairie State College
Javier Monzon, Pepperdine University; STEM with Skulls: An Outreach Activity to Promote Children’s Understanding of Evolutionary Science
Barbora Trubenova, Institute of Science and Technology Austria; Correspondence competition in evolutionary biology STEB with a short summer school
Matt Wilkins, Vanderbilt University; Evolution of Female Birdsong Across the Tree of Life
Kristin M. Winchell, Washington University; Sci-Comm and Sci-Art for Urban Evolution
The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) will present the free webinar, “Life Finds A Way: An Overview of the Nagoya Protocol from the U.S. Government.” The Nagoya Protocol is a multilateral treaty that sets up a legal framework for utilizing genetic resources. Patrick Reilly from the U.S. Department of State will be presenting. The webinar will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM EST. Learn more and register here.
In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Gideon Bradburd.
In the New Faculty Profiles, we invite highlighted faculty to discuss their research, describe how SSE has impacted their career, and share any tips or stories they may have for other researchers. This month we highlight Dr. Margarita Lopez-Uribe.
Each month we highlight individuals or programs that have received funding from SSE. This month we hear from RADCamp NYC 2019, which received funding through the Early-Career Vocational Opportunities (EVO) Workshops grants:
“Last year we received $1500 from the Society for the Study of Evolution for an Early-Career Vocational Opportunities Workshop and $1500 in ad hoc funding from the Society for Systematic Biology to run the RADCampNYC-2019 workshop. Our goal for this workshop was to teach participants how to generate and analyze RADseq data to understand genetic differences among species/populations. During this workshop, we were able to provide a diverse group of participants with hands-on training across a broad array of techniques from lab work to bioinformatic processing, and statistical inference. Participants arrived for part 1 with extractions in hand from 16 samples, and left at the end of part 2 with an assembled pilot dataset and a phylogeny & PCA plot generated from their real data. The success of this workshop was due in no small part to the financial contributions of SSE and SSB. Look out for RADCamp 2020 hopefully coming this summer.”
The Society for the Study of Evolution and the American Society of Naturalists are deeply saddened to convey that George W. Gilchrist, a long-time member of our community, recently passed away.
George earned his BS at Arizona State University working on butterflies with Ron Rutowski, his MS at Brown on damselflies with Jon Waage, and his PhD at the University of Washington with Joel Kingsolver working on the evolution of thermal sensitivity (1993). He then completed a postdoc with Ray Huey at the University of Washington on experimental evolution of thermal sensitivity in Drosophila. George extended his work on the evolutionary genetics of Drosophila while in faculty positions at Clarkson University and the College of William and Mary before becoming a long-time Program Director (Division of Environmental Biology) at the National Science Foundation. For 10 years, George was the liaison between the Education and Outreach Committees of ASN and SSE. His impact on our science and young scientists has been exceptional.
George’s family has asked that a fund be created in his honor to support additional graduate student research and travel to the annual Evolution meetings.
Donations in George’s honor can be made through SSE here or through ASN here.
Join us for an outstanding conference in one of the coolest cities in N. America - Cleveland Rocks! Registration and talk/poster submission are now open! Register first and then you will be able to submit a presentation. We anticipate 1700-2000 attendees, 1,000+ talks, and 400+ posters. Put your talk in the spotlight by submitting to a Spotlight Session. There will be a variety of symposia, plenaries, spotlight and contributed talk sessions, and evening poster sessions/mixers. On Friday before, and throughout the conference, there are a variety of workshops, special events, and networking opportunities. Your registration includes admission to all of this, as well as morning and afternoon coffee breaks (with snacks), the Friday evening opening reception and Gould lecture, and three evening poster receptions/mixers. This year our Tuesday evening Super Social is at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Evol2020 strives for Inclusiveness and diversity and we are offering diverse social programs as well as Free Childcare, Science Knows No Borders, and Sustainability programs. Look around on the meeting website for more information including hotel accommodations and dorm housing. Share your plans for the meeting on social media using #Evol2020!
SSE Council is pleased to announce the recipient of the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Deborah Charlesworth. Dr. Charlesworth has been a key champion for the field of evolutionary biology. Her wide-ranging work has led to crucial insights into some of the most important outstanding evolutionary questions. She has also shown a tireless commitment to mentorship and encouragement of young scientists in evolutionary biology as an exemplary mentor and role model. Furthermore, she has served the evolution community as president of both the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution and the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Congratulations, Dr. Charlesworth!