Join the SSE Graduate Student Advisory Committee

Jun 04, 2024 - 03:48 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Graduate Student Advisory Committee, Apply now,

The SSE GSAC is looking for three new council members to join our 2025 cohort. Details below!

The GSAC represents student and postdoc interests to the SSE Council and facilitates interaction among students and postdocs, and between students, postdocs, and mentors. Our goal is to be a source of information for students and postdocs during their graduate school career and as they make career transitions, and to provide an early-career perspective to the rest of the SSE council. For example, recently we took a leading role in putting on the GREG Seminar Series, in-person workshops and networking events during the annual Evolution meeting, virtual International Symposia Series, and the SSE Caregiver Award.

Eligibility & Requirements

GSAC members must be graduate students at the time of application and members of SSE. (Learn more about how to join.) Applicants should be organized, possess leadership skills, and be interested in working with SSE Council and members to contribute to the Society. Many more details about our activities throughout the year can be found in our GSAC blog post from the former SSE Community Blog. 

We strongly encourage those with non-traditional pathways to graduate school, those from non-R1 universities, and those from outside the United States to apply. GSAC is also committed to diverse representation, and we encourage applicants from historically excluded ethnic, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. 


Students serve either a 2 or 3 year term, depending on whether they are chair of their cohort, and generally spend 5-10 hours per month on GSAC activities. Please see page 25 in the Officers Handbook for more details about requirements and current roles. 

How to Apply

To apply, please submit the following to by August 30th, 2024 (any time zone):

 (1) A one page statement of interest, addressing: 

  • The ideas you would like to bring to GSAC 

  • Your experience with leadership, organization and/or communications 

  • Your interest in the Society for the Study of Evolution and motivation for joining GSAC

  • How you will contribute to the diversity of perspectives needed to represent the diverse student/postdoc body of SSE  

  • Any interactions you have had with SSE, such as attending SSE meetings, events, or work on other SSE committees, if applicable

  • That you are a current member of SSE

 (2) A copy of your CV

We look forward to reading your applications, and please contact us at if you have any questions about this process.

Call for EvoAllies at Evolution 2024

Jun 04, 2024 - 03:03 PM

The Evolution Code of Conduct commtitee is recruiting new EvoAllies for the Evolution meetings as part of our Safe Evolution initiative. The goal of the program is to improve the climate at the meetings, making them more welcoming for everyone. It is not enforcement (we have a safety officer to investigate and sanctioning committee to put in place any sanctions if warranted), but rather to help de-escalate situations, direct people to resources to help them, and to identify any problems.

People who sign up and are selected must attend a two hour online training on June 11, at 11 am US Eastern time (3 pm UTC, 8 am US Pacific) by members of the UT CLIMBS team and members of the Code of Conduct Committee.

We want to recruit people with a variety of life experiences, perspectives, and career stages. Our goal is to make people feel safe at the meeting; to that end, if you are facing or have faced questions about your possible misconduct, or have other reasons why your selection would be controversial, we ask that you do not sign up.

Applications will be evaluated by a subset of members of the Code of Conduct Committee and current EvoAllies. Applications close June 7 at 5 pm US Eastern time; chosen applicants will be notified by June 10 at noon US Eastern time. 

Submit your application here by June 7 at 5 pm Eastern. 

2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Ruth Shaw

May 10, 2024 - 01:47 PM


SSE Council is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Ruth Shaw.

Dr. Shaw was selected for her fundamental empirical and conceptual contributions to evolutionary biology and her commitment to SSE. Dr. Shaw has developed foundational methods for statistical inferences about fitness in natural populations. She has implemented these methods in the field to assess fitness in natural populations, such as in The Echinacea Project, studying the long-lived Echinacea angustifolia to evaluate the consequences of habitat fragmentation in tallgrass prairie. Dr. Shaw has also advanced understanding of the fitness effects of de novo mutations, capacity for ongoing evolutionary adaptation, and geographic scale of adaptation in wild populations. Dr. Shaw has served in numerous roles in SSE since 1991, most recently as President in 2020.

Dr. Shaw will present the Lifetime Achievement Award talk at the virtual portion of the 2024 Evolution meeting on Friday, June 28 at 7:45 am Eastern (GMT-4). Visit the Evolution meeting website for the full program and to register.

Story Collider at Evolution 2024: Call for Pitches

Apr 22, 2024 - 12:18 PM

Text: Evolution 2024, Story Collider Presents Throughout the Distribution, July 27, 2024 @ 7:00 PM, Pitches due May 17. An array of cartoon organisms and DNA. An old fashioned microphone.

SSE, ASN, ESEB, and SSB are teaming up with The Story Collider for a science storytelling show on July 28th as part of the in-person portion of the 2024 Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Evolution 2024)! The theme for this event is “Throughout the Distribution," and it will feature 5 stories from 5 different viewpoints that represent the diversity of experiences in evolutionary biology.


The only requirement is that the story must be about you. We’re seeking true stories about your personal experiences with science to be included in the show. These must be stories—not lectures—with a beginning, middle, and end in which you undergo a change. 

All you need at this point is the seed of an idea for your story. It can be about almost anything:

- Perseverance and obstacles overcome (whether professional or scientific)
- Expectations upended
- Finding community, belonging, or acceptance in biology
- Adventure and danger
- Having your perspective changed 
- Being in over your head or a rough day in the field
- Conquering fears
- Finding work/life balance
- Being inspired
- Standing up for yourself
- An important experiment
- Misadventure, love, or loss
- How you first fell in love with science
- How your work has affected your personal life 

Primarily, the producers will look for a strong story arc – a change that takes place in the storyteller from beginning to the end. The Story Collider producers will help you develop this idea into an eight-to ten-minute-long story. For further inspiration, you can listen to examples of our last Story Collider Event in 2019 on SoundCloud. 

How to apply:

If you’re interested, please email the Story Collider producers at by May 17th, 2024 and include a short (1-2 paragraphs) summary of your story and “Evolution 2024" in the subject line. 

Deadline: May 17th, 2024

If selected, the Story Collider producers will help you develop this idea into an eight-to ten-minute-long story in the weeks leading up to the show. The storytellers will perform their stories at the Story Collider event at 7:00 pm on July 28th at the in-person portion of the Evolution 2024 meeting in Montreal.

This event is organized by the SSE Diversity Committee, the ESEB Equal Opportunities Committee, the ASN Diversity Committee, and the SSB DEI Committee. Email the SSE Diversity Committee (diversity [at] or Misha Gajewski, Story Collider Managing Producer (mishagajewski [at] with any questions. We look forward to hearing your stories at Evolution 2024!

Call for SSE Council Nominations

Apr 08, 2024 - 05:43 PM

The SSE Nominating Committee invites nominations for five Council positions beginning January 2025: President Elect, North American Vice President, and three Councilors. Nominations are accepted throughout the year, but only nominations submitted by April 15 will be considered for the 2025 ballot. We welcome self nominations. Continue reading for descriptions of each position.

Evolution 2024 Global Meeting Participation

Mar 26, 2024 - 12:27 PM

An outline of Montreal landmarks. The Evolution 2024 logo. Text: Evolution 2024, Society for the Study of Evolution Global Meeting Participation, June 27-28.

We are pleased to offer free registration for the virtual portion of the Evolution 2024 meeting (June 27-28) to SSE members from 152 countries and territories around the world. All members who joined through the Global Membership Assistance Program are eligible. Meeting registration codes will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Learn more and apply here.

2024 Huxley Award Winner: Tim Hartelt

Mar 26, 2024 - 11:09 AM

Text: Tim Hartelt, 2024 Society for the Study of Evolution T. H. Huxley Award. Headshot of Tim Hartelt.

Congratulations to our 2024 T. H. Huxley Award winner, Tim Hartelt! This award provides funding for an SSE member to present evolution education resources at an education-focused session or conference.

Tim Hartelt is a PhD student advised by Dr. Helge Martens in the Department of Biology Education at the University of Kassel in Germany. Hartelt was selected for his educational resource, "Metaconceptual Learning Activities for Promoting Metacognitive Awareness and Self-Regulation of Intuitive Thinking in Evolution Education." In the activities, students actively engage with their intuitive thinking to develop an appropriate understanding of evolution. Learn more about the activity here, and read a recent paper by Hartelt and colleagues here. As part of the award, Hartelt will receive funding to present his work at the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) conference in November.

GREG Seminar Series Returns

Feb 28, 2024 - 02:50 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution GREG Seminar Series. A virtual seminar series featuring recipients of the Graduate Research Excellence Grants. Mondays at Noon Eastern.

Hear from 11 recipients of our R. C. Lewontin Early Awards in this weekly virtual seminar series organized by the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC). Student speakers present their research in a seminar-style format on Mondays from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Eastern via Zoom. Our first speaker on March 4 will be Robin Waterman of Michigan State University. Join the seminar here. We hope to see you there!

2023 ASN/SSE/SSB IDEA Award Winner: Dr. Corey Welch

Feb 27, 2024 - 03:19 PM

A glowing lightbulb hangs behind the text next to a headshot of Corey Welch, wearing a striped collared shirt and a binoculars strap around his neck, with the sky and top of the Grand Canyon behind him. Text: American Society of Naturalists, Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, 2023 IDEA Award, Corey Welch, Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, Access.

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2023 IDEA Award, Dr. Corey Welch! 

Dr. Welch was selected for his wide range of work to broaden participation of students and professionals from diverse backgrounds in all areas of STEM. Using the latest research on student success and his training in vertebrate ecology and evolution, he established and now directs an award-winning undergraduate training program, the STEM Scholars Program at Iowa State University. During his work with the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), where he served on the board of directors for six years, Dr. Welch launched an ongoing mentoring program at the society’s annual meeting and has served as a facilitator for the Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institutes. In addition to this work, Dr. Welch has led more than 40 seminars and presentations, mainly at biology and EEB departments, on how to improve DEI in STEM. Most recently, Dr. Welch founded the Sharon Farr Welch Northern Cheyenne Tribal Scholarship program for students from his own Northern Cheyenne community to pursue higher education. 

Dr. Corey Welch will present his work during the IDEA Award Plenary at the in-person portion of the Evolution 2024 meeting in Montreal this July. This event will also be live-streamed for all meeting registrants.

Evolution 2024 Caregiver Award

Feb 12, 2024 - 05:45 PM

The Evolution 2024 meeting logo. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Caregiver Award. Up to $500 toward caregiver costs while attending the annual Evolution meeting (in person or virtually). Deadline: March 15. 2024.

The SSE Caregiver Award is meant to assist members who have additional needs and responsibilities that can inhibit participation at the annual Evolution meeting. This award provides up to $500 to SSE members that need assistance in covering caregiver costs while attending the annual Evolution meeting (in person or virtually).

A "caregiver" is broadly defined and includes people caring for children or dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives), and people in need of personal assistance; this award can be spent as the awardee wishes to facilitate attendance. For example, this award can be used (but is not limited) to:

- bring someone that is in your care to the Evolution meeting
- cover the cost of dependent care at home while you travel
- bring someone that is helping to care for you to the Evolution meeting
- cover the cost of dependent care while you attend virtually
- cover any extra accessibility costs associated with attending

Awardees can spend this money in whatever way will help alleviate the cost of caregiving. We anticipate up to 20 awards will be made available, depending on the number of applicants.

Apply now button.

Deadline: March 15, 2024

2024 AIBS Congressional Visits Day Grants

Feb 01, 2024 - 05:39 PM

Background: The US Capitol at night. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution, American Institute of Biological Sciences Congressional Visits Day Grants, Applications due February 19.

The SSE Public Policy Committee will fund a limited number of SSE members to attend the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) 2024 Congressional Visits Day, which will take place in Washington, DC and includes a free half-day training session on April 16 and meetings with lawmakers on April 17. There is also the option to also attend the Communications Boot Camp for Scientists on April 15-16. 

SSE members at all career stages who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to apply. Funding can be used to cover the cost of the Communications Boot Camp and contribute toward travel and lodging. 

SSE members interested in using these funds for other advocacy opportunities are also welcome to apply. Email for more information.

Learn more about SSE membership and how to join, or check your current SSE membership status.   

Deadline: February 19, 2024

Small Grants Program for Local and Regional Outreach

Jan 16, 2024 - 06:14 PM

A cloudy mountain range. Text: Society for the Study of Evolution 2024 Small Grants for Local and Regional Outreach, Proposals due March 1.

The SSE Education and Outreach Committee is now accepting proposals for the Small Grants Program for Local and Regional Outreach Promoting the Understanding of Evolutionary Biology

These grants provide support for local and regional educational outreach activities to take place during 2023. Examples of past outreach activities have included public lectures, exhibits, student competitions, and professional development events for teachers.

Grants of up to $1000 USD will be awarded. Applicants must be members of SSE. 

Learn more and apply
 by March 1, 2024.

Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution

Jan 11, 2024 - 05:39 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution Program, Applications due January 29, 2024.

Applications are now open for the Undergraduate Diversity at Evolution program, which sends undergraduates interested in ecology, evolutionary biology, and related fields to the annual Evolution meeting. At the meeting, selected students will present a poster, receive mentoring, and participate in a career-oriented discussion panel. Awardees receive conference registration, round-trip airfare, accommodations, a meal stipend, and a ticket to the Super Social. 

Learn more and apply by January 29, 2024

Apply Now for the SSE Diversity Committee

Dec 28, 2023 - 06:03 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Diversity Committee Deadline Extended: January 19.

The SSE Diversity Committee (DC) is now accepting applications for at least two to four new members of the committee starting in 2024. The DC works to support members from all backgrounds by broadening representation to the SSE Executive Council; pursuing initiatives that support historically excluded groups; and creating an inclusive, accessible environment at the annual Evolution meeting and in evolutionary biology in general. Applicants must be members of SSE and have attended at least one Evolution meeting in the past. The DC is especially in search of members who have experience in leading and completing successful projects related to equity and inclusion, even in challenging circumstances.

Learn more and apply by January 15, 2024 January 19, 2024.

Apply now for the R. C. Lewontin Early Award

Dec 15, 2023 - 03:00 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Graduate Research Excellence Grants 2024 R. C. Lewontin Early Award, Deadline: February 23, 2024.

Applications are now open for the 2024 Graduate Research Excellence Grant (GREG) R. C. Lewontin Award competition. These awards offer up to $2,500 USD to assist students in the first two years of their PhD programs. These grants are part of the Graduate Research Excellence Grants award program.

Learn more about how to apply.

Deadline: February 23, 2024

T. H. Huxley Award Call for Applications

Nov 08, 2023 - 02:27 PM

Chalkboard with an apple and school supplies. Text: 2024 Society for the Study of Evolution T.H. Huxley Award. Applications due February 1.

The SSE Education and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 T.H. Huxley award, named in honor of Darwin's very public supporter, which recognizes and promotes the development of high-quality evolution education resources. If you have an interesting project or educational activity to share, consider applying for this award. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to apply. 

This award provides funding for an SSE member to present evolution education resources at an education-focused session or conference approved by the Huxley Committee (e.g., education session at the annual Evolution meeting or the annual National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) conference).

Applications are due February 1st, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

SSE Presidents' Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution

Oct 29, 2023 - 05:00 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution SSE Presidents' Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution. Nominations Due January 31, 2024. Covers of two Evolution issues.

This award is awarded annually for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in an issue of the journal Evolution during a given calendar year. Applications open in the fall and close January 31. The award comes with a $1000 honorarium. To be eligible for consideration, a manuscript must be based on graduate work of the primary author. The manuscript must have been published in a 2023 issue of the journal Evolution (Volume 77). This award includes a US $1000 honorarium, and will be awarded at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution. The recipient is invited to attend the annual meeting to receive the award. 

Deadline: January 31, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

Register now for the International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

Oct 29, 2023 - 04:26 PM

SSE International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

进化研究学会 (SSE)国际研讨会之“东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会”

演化研究學會 (SSE)國際研討會之“東亞及東南亞中文學者研討會”


Text: Society for the Study of Evolution International Symposia Series, International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia, 11 November 2023 via Zoom. Register for free by 10 November. SSE logo.

SSE International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia 
Saturday, 11 November, 10:00 - 15:15 China Standard Time (UTC+08:00)
Conducted via Zoom

This is a free bilingual symposium where participants will hear from featured speakers Bing Yang, Shengnan Zhang, Xin Dang, Yun Hsiao, Xianting Huang, Qi Liu, Kai Wei, and Shu-Miaw Chaw. Following the talks, join a discussion of the challenges and opportunities of doing evolutionary biology research in East and Southeast Asia.

Participants can gain insights on publishing in Evolution during a panel with Associate Editors Jen-Pan Huang and Suhua Shi, and the Evolution English Language Support Program editor Sishuo Wang on November 13 at 10:00 China Standard Time (UTC+08:00).

This symposium and panel are part of the SSE International Symposia Series

More information about the symposium speakers, schedule, and panel is available on the SSE website.

Register by November 10 for free to reserve your spot!

If you are unable to access the Google form above, please register via Qualtrics here.


INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA SERIES 国际研讨会系列 之 东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会 2023年11月11日 Zoom线上活动 请于11月10日前免费注册.

进化研究学会 (SSE)国际研讨会之“东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会”



本次研讨会及专家交流会都是进化研究学会 (SSE)国际研讨会系列的一部分。有关研讨会报告人、日程安排和专家交流会的更多信息,请访问进化研究学会 (SSE)的网站。




SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIA SERIES 国际研讨会系列 之 东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会 2023年11月11日 Zoom线上活动 请于11月10日前免费注册

演化研究學會 (SSE)國際研討會之“東亞及東南亞中文學者研討會”



本次研討會及專家交流會都是演化研究學會 (SSE)國際研討會系列的一部分。有關研討會報告人、日程安排和專家交流會的更多信息,請訪問演化研究學會 (SSE)的網站。



Call for Evolution Associate Editors

Sep 13, 2023 - 02:51 PM

The Evolution editorial team seeks Associate Editors to serve three-year terms beginning January 2024. Twenty editors will be selected and notified this fall. 

Associate Editors receive free membership in SSE for the duration of their term and free registration for the annual Evolution meeting.

We strongly encourage nominations and self-nominations of individuals who represent the full diversity of the evolutionary biology community, including (but not limited to) all aspects of identity and background, types of institution, geographic location, or scientific approach. 

To indicate your interest, provide your affiliation, research interests, and contact information in this short form.

Deadline: September 27, 2023

New GREG Seminar Series Starting October 2

Sep 12, 2023 - 03:19 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution GREG Seminar Series. A virtual seminar series featuring recipients of the Graduate Research Excellence Grants, Mondays at noon Eastern.

SSE is pleased to announce a weekly virtual seminar series featuring recipients of our Graduate Research Excellence GrantsSeminars will be held on Mondays at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Eastern US time. Speakers will present 45-minute talks followed by 15 minutes for questions.

The first set of talks will feature nine recipients of the 2023 GREG R.C. Lewontin Awards:

October 2: Akshat Mall, University of Idaho
October 9: Jenna Palmisano, University of Central Florida
October 16: Sage Madden, University of California Davis
October 23: Nathalie Alomar, Yale University
October 30: Wout van der Heide, Cornell University
November 6: Erica Vong, University of Ottawa
November 13: Claire Williams, University of Nevada, Reno
November 27: Neil Balchan, Oklahoma State University
December 4: Faye Romero, University of Rochester

This series is organized by the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC). Learn more and find the link to join the event here.

International Event Grants

Sep 07, 2023 - 03:42 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution International Event Grants, Applications due 31 October.

The SSE International Committee invites applications for the International Event Grants, which provide funding for international symposia, workshops, courses, and other events within the field of evolutionary biology, including virtual events. Our priority is to support events that benefit emerging communities in the field of evolutionary biology. The diversity of participants and invited speakers will be considered as a criterion for selection. 

Learn more and apply by October 31, 2023.

SSE International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

Sep 05, 2023 - 03:44 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution, International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers from East and Southeast Asia, 11 November 2023, via Zoom. Apply to be a speaker by September 29. SSE logo.

SSE is pleased to announce the call for speakers for the International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers from East and Southeast Asia on November 11, 2023. SSE invites Mandarin-speaking evolutionary biologists of all career stages from East and Southeast Asia to apply to share their research in this free, virtual event.

Instructions for how to apply can be found here

Deadline to apply: September 29, 2023

International Symposium (国际研讨会系列)<br />
之<br />
东亚及东南亚中文学者研讨会<br />
2023年11月11日<br />
Zoom线上活动<br />

我们很高兴的宣布,进化研究学会 (SSE) 现正式为将于 2023 年 11 月 11 日举行的“东亚和东南亚中文学者国际研讨会”召集报告人。SSE真诚地邀请来自东亚和东南亚的,各个职业生涯阶段的中文进化生物学家,来申请在这个免费的线上研讨会中分享他们的研究成果。



International Symposium (國際研討會系列)<br />
之<br />
東亞及東南亞中文學者研討會<br />
2023年11月11日<br />
Zoom線上活動<br />

我們很高興的宣布,演化研究學會 (SSE) 現正式為將於 2023 年 11 月 11 日舉行的“東亞和東南亞中文學者國際研討會”召集報告人。 SSE真誠地邀請來自東亞和東南亞的,各個職業生涯階段的中文進化生物學家,來申請在這個免費的線上研討會中分享他們的研究成果。



Dobzhansky Prize Call for Nominations

Aug 31, 2023 - 05:15 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Dobzhansky Prize to recognize the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding early-career evolutionary biologist, Nominations due December 1, 2023.

SSE is now accepting nominations for the Dobzhansky Prize to recognize the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding early-career evolutionary biologist. 

We seek nominees working in all areas of evolutionary biology, on any taxonomic group/system, using empirical and/or theoretical approaches. We hope the pool of nominees will reflect the many axes and components of diversity in the evolutionary biology community. We are specifically looking for candidates who take creative approaches to answering pressing questions in evolutionary biology. We welcome nominations of researchers around the globe.

The Dobzhansky Prize recipient presents the Dobzhansky Prize plenary at the annual Evolution meeting. The prize is accompanied by a 5,000 USD award. 

Submit your nomination by December 1, 2023

Welcome Evolution Editor-in-Chief: Jason Wolf

Aug 29, 2023 - 05:17 PM

SSE and Oxford University Press logos. Headshot of Jason Wolf. Text: Jason Wolf, Editor-in-Chief, Evolution.

SSE is pleased to welcome Dr. Jason Wolf as Editor-in-Chief of Evolution. Dr. Wolf is Professor of Evolutionary Genetics in the Milner Centre for Evolution and Department of Life Sciences at the University of Bath. His research integrates theoretical, computational, and empirical quantitative and population genetic techniques to understand the evolutionary genetics of interactions across different levels of biological organization. 

Dr. Wolf will serve a three-year term as Editor-in-Chief, and succeeds Dr. Tracey Chapman. Thank you Dr. Chapman for all of your work, and welcome Dr. Wolf!

Read the latest articles in Evolution, or submit your research for publication.

Lifetime Achievement Award Call for Nominations

Aug 21, 2023 - 06:39 PM

Text: Society for the Study of Evolution Lifetime Achievement Award, Nominations due September 30. A background of gold star confetti and a gold trophy.

Who are your evolutionary biology heroes? Who do you know whose conceptual advances, impactful publications, outreach and education efforts, mentorship and training, service to the community, or diversity and inclusion work has contributed to the evolutionary biology field and community? Maybe it’s you! Consider nominating yourself or someone else for the SSE Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominators will be asked to complete a short form describing the nominee’s contributions to the field and community. A detailed nomination letter is not required for the initial nomination. Learn more and submit your nomination by September 30!

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